Dang tacos betrayed me.He pulled into the parking lot and found a spot semi-close to the taco truck. Claire immediately came strutting out of the front door of the gym, her long blonde hair in a high ponytail and wearing her uniform of workout clothes. She approached his truck and he opened the driver’s side window. It was an unusually cool day, the fall Phoenix weather a pleasant 80 degrees.
“Well, well, well,” she said, leaning against the truck. “Look who it is. Mr. Kiss-a-Lot.”
Gabe froze. Had Avery seriously told Claire about yesterday? A lump formed in his throat.
“And?” he choked out.
“Surprised, that’s all,” Claire responded, folding her arms. “Especially considering she’s totally not available. She’s supposed to be my sister-in-law, you know.”
He rolled his eyes and got out of his truck. “Does she know you’re planning her life for her?” he asked, walking toward the taco truck. Claire followed.
“Avery and Marshall are made for each other. See?” She held up her phone and put it in front of his face. Gabe stopped to see a photo of another guy with his arm around Avery. They did look good together. She was smiling big, and he was pressing his cheek next to hers. A pang of jealousy sliced through him.
He took a few more steps forward, away from the photo, getting in line behind a few people waiting to make their order. “How long have they…?” he asked, trying to distract himself with the taco truck menu.
“Since high school,” Claire said, sidling up to him, causing Gabe to tense. “She followed him to NAU and they finally made it official. He was a jerk, though. Immature.”
Wait, Claire sounded truthful. Why else would she be insulting her own brother?
“So Avery broke up with him and moved back with her mom. But my brother, he’s changed a lot since she left. Like, a lot. So he’s hoping she’ll give him another chance. Don’t you see? He loves her. And I love my brother, and I love Avery. So of course I want her to be happy.”
Gabe turned and studied Claire for the first time, gauging her sincerity. Normally, she had a look of mischief, something that attracted Gabe to her—at first. Later it had become a problem. But right now she had none of that. Her eyes looked honest. If what she said was true, then the text from Marshall didn’t mean they were together at the moment. So there was a shred of hope for Gabe.
“So, what, you’re trying to get me to stay away from her?”
“Yes,” she responded.
He pursed his lips and nodded.
“I appreciate your honesty.”
They ordered their tacos. Gabe paid, then handed Claire hers. They walked to a nearby shady area with trees and benches, then sat and ate in silence for a bit.
“So wait. Were you trying to get back together with me, or not? That night you first ran into me and Avery,” Gabe realized her true motivations as he said it out loud.
“Ha, no. Sorry, I mean, you’re a great guy and all. But honestly I’m kinda—”
“With someone else?” His jaw tightened. Claire had purposely tried to drive them apart, but not for the reason he originally thought. Still a jerk move.
“Usually, yeah, with another guy.” She flipped her hair like it was no big deal. Like her actions didn’t hurt anyone.
He wanted to yell at her, to berate her for being a jerk friend to Avery, and flat out pushing Gabe away from her. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“You are such a player,” Gabe said, through gritted teeth, then took another bite of taco. Would it do any good to tell her off? He doubted it. It was easier to eat his feelings.
“Guilty.” She giggled. “But Avery isn’t a player. Not one bit. Which is why you and her is so crazy.”
Gabe sighed, balling up his empty wrappers and throwing them in a nearby trash can. “Claire.” He put on his authoritative teacher voice. “That’s not your choice to make.”
She only shrugged. “You’re right. But if it’s not meant to be with her first love, we’ll find out, won’t we?”
Gosh, she was impossible.“So this guy—your brother. What does he have that I don’t?” He wasn’t sure he wanted a straight answer. But as long as Claire was being honest, he figured he should gather as much intel as possible.
She looked up in thought. “A beard, a Subaru, and a pair of hiking boots.”
What an odd response. There were plenty of guys like that. His eyebrows furrowed. “A typical granola Flagstaff dude?”
Claire laughed. “He smolders. He’s mysterious. Like Mr. Darcy inPride and Prejudice. You know a literary fan can’t resist that. You’re the opposite, you know. You’re… you’re….”