“Join the circus.”
“Play basketball in college.”
“Start my own business.”
“Backpack through Europe.”
“Community college.
“Work at my dad’s company.”
“Go to Mars.”
As more students filed in, he asked them, too. Many of the students offered silly answers, but others had obviously put a lot of thought into their future endeavors.
“So what are you going to do when you grow up, Manwaring?” Kit asked after the bell rang.
“I’m still not sure,” Gabe answered. The morning announcements began, so he sat at the teacher’s desk. His phone buzzed in his pocket, his heart skipping a beat at the thought of the possibility of the Sub App giving him the chance to work with Avery the rest of the week.
Nope. A text from Claire.
Gabe leaned back in the teacher’s chair and looked up at the ceiling. When was she going to leave him alone? What had he even done to encourage her? He tossed his phone onto the desk and started class.
“So, who wants to talk about CSI: Phoenix?”
Wednesday September 3, 11:45 AM
Gabe’s stomach rumbled as the students filed out for lunch. He had a prep period right after lunch, so he had plenty of time to leave campus to grab a bite. He picked up his phone only to see he had about ten missed notifications.
Texts from Claire. Oh! A text from his professor.
PROFESSOR: Great news about potential funding. No funds showing up on my end yet. Will keep tabs on it.
Huh. His mom had promised she’d initiate the deposit right away, but maybe it was taking a bit to go through. He shrugged. Probably nothing to worry about.
He clicked through his texts. Might as well read through the latest from Claire.
CLAIRE (yesterday): So, meet for lunch Wednesday?
CLAIRE (yesterday): It’s a date. See ya then!
CLAIRE (last night): Just had a very interesting convo with Avery.
CLAIRE (this morning): You’ve got a lot of explaining to do. By the way, Avery’s getting back together with her ex. Did she tell you it’s my brother?
CLAIRE (just now): Meet me at that taco truck during your lunch. Text me when you’re on your way.
Gahh. Claire.He let his head fall back and rolled his eyes. Had she really made a lunch date for them without him giving her a yes or no? That was so like her.
Of course, it was lunchtime, and he was hungry, and he did love that taco truck. But more than that, he wanted to know everything Claire had talked to Avery about. The question was:how much of it was going to be the truth? Claire wasn’t exactly known for NOT exaggerating.
Either way. Tacos. And talk of Avery. Apparently Claire had a brother? How did Gabe not know this before? Must have been that guy who texted Avery the other day. Marshall?
GABE: On my way.
The final notification on his phone was the Sub App. The job Doreen had mentioned had recently opened up. He went to click on it, but then didn’t. Gabe wasn’t sure if he should. Maybe he should wait until after he talked to Claire. He grabbed his keys, turned off the light, and locked the door behind him.
The taco truck was easy to find. It was usually parked near Claire’s gym a few days of the week, one reason he’d gotten hooked on it. Come to think of it, the taco truck was the reason he had been around the gym when he had noticed a banner for a free week trial, which lured him in. Then he had met Claire.