Page 54 of Substitute for Love

Her neck and face flushed. Gabe really meant it. An entire childhood with his parents and they had never seen him the way she did. Gabe dropped her hand. “Uh, sorry. I wasn’t being flirty. Just friends.” That wasn’t entirely true. But if he had thought before he acted, then he wouldn’t have grabbed her hand. Her soft, sweet, gentle hand.

She looked down at her plate, then to her watch. “Guess I should get going. I need to get ready for next period.” She pushed her chair back and stood, then quickly headed to the door.

“Wait. Already?” He stood and met her at the door, grabbing the doorknob. She stopped and turned, her honey scent making him sigh. How could they just be friends when a little lunch set him off like this?

She glanced up at him. “Thanks for lunch.” They locked eyes for a few seconds, and he tried with all his might to not movecloser to her. Without breaking eye contact, he opened the door and watched her walk away.

The door clicked shut and he took a deep breath. What was he supposed to think now? They were supposed to be friends, and he had crossed a line grabbing her hand like that. Clearly it upset her enough for Avery to get up and leave. Gabe glanced at the clock—another ten minutes until the lunch bell rang. She could have stayed, but he messed it all up.

Gabe put the food away without finishing his plate, then headed to the parking lot to find someone standing next to his truck. Someone with a tight workout shirt and leggings. Claire.

Ugh.His head fell back slightly and he closed his eyes. He straightened up and tried not to look annoyed. “I thought we were meeting at your gym?” he asked as he approached his car, looking around to make sure no one was watching them.

“I thought this would be easier.” She flipped her hair, one of her signature moves Gabe used to find attractive. Now it reminded him of how flippant she was about him.

“Anyway, I wanted to talk. You know, because of how awkward things were the other night.”

Gabe leaned against the driver’s side of his truck, Claire opposite of him a few feet away. He shrugged and folded his arms. “Okay. What?”

Claire held up her hands. “Don’t get so defensive.” She took a step toward him. “Seeing you made me realize”—she placed her hands on his elbows— “I made a huge mistake.”

He had folded his arms at her claim. “I don’t buy it.”

Claire gave him her puppy eye routine and stroked his arm. “You don’t believe me?”

Her touch made his skin crawl. Gabe shook her arm off his. “You were going out with other guys, Claire. You didn’t care about me. And then you see me and Avery together and suddenly you want me back?”

Her mouth dropped. “That had nothing to do with it.”

“Yeah, right. You were so totally jealous.” His blood boiled like the sun scorching his face.How were Avery and Claire even friends?He wanted to say it out loud, but kept his mouth shut. There must be a reason they were still close, but he didn’t trust Claire to answer honestly.

She sighed. “Okay, fine. You’re right. I was jealous seeing you two together. Because it made me remember how much fun we had. Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have treated you like that. Let’s let’s start over? Please?”

So, apparently Claire assumed Gabe and Avery weren’t suited for each other or weren’t pursuing each other?

“You’re not a very good friend, are you?” Gabe said. He wasn’t normally so direct in a way that could make someone feel bad, but it had to be said. Someone had to stick up for Avery.

Claire opened her mouth wide. “What are you talking about? You don’t know anything about Avery.”

Gabe rolled his eyes. He wanted to climb into his truck and hide, or head back into the school just to get away from her. “Actually, I do know Avery. She’s sweet, considerate, smart.” His tension against Claire suddenly melted as he thought about Avery.

“Woah, woah, woah. Are you like… in love with her?” Claire put her hand on her hip.

Gabe ran his hand through his hair and shrugged. “I like being around her. We’re friends.”

“Gabe, Gabe, why didn’t you say something? The other night when you two had been at the dance, I thought it was like, just a work thing. Come here.” She leaned in for a hug, and held him, but not like the old Claire. Gabe was confused. The hug was one-sided for a while, until it got so awkward that Gabe finally reached his arms around and hugged her back.

“Listen, Avery’s special. And she’s going through something hard right now. So be careful or I’ll kick your butt. And you know that I can.” Claire let him go, then reached in his truck and hung a lanyard around his rearview. “Come by the gym soon. I’ve got a lot more to talk to you about. But I gotta go.”

She walked to her car then turned. “Sorry I hurt you,” Claire added. “Most guys know that I am a player. I realized too late you were one of the good ones.”

Chapter 18: Avery

Tuesday September 2, 12:30 PM

Carrying a plate of half-eaten adult-style Lunchables, Avery headed down the hall toward her classroom. She unlocked the door and plopped down at the teacher’s desk.

“Dang it, Gabe. We’re supposed to stay friends.” She shook her head and let out a deep breath. She had friend zoned him, but so far it wasn’t sticking. When he had touched her hand, the connection between them was definitely more than friends. Why did he have to go and make things more complicated? Or maybe it was her fault for complimenting him like she had. But friends were allowed to do that, weren’t they?