Page 46 of Substitute for Love

“Well, my boy, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is, we secured enough funding for a bare bones team to head to the site in a few weeks and start excavation.”

Gabe sighed, letting go of the stress of waiting to hear about a project like this for so long, while at the same time anticipating what the bad news would be. Emmett sniffed around some desert landscaping in a neighbor’s yard.

“The bad news?” Gabe was afraid to ask.

“Unfortunately, you’re not included in the bare bones crew. So sorry. We were lucky to get what we got. Still, I’d love to have you, but we’d need a bit more funding. I’m afraid we’re tapped out. Any avenues of grant money you could possibly pursue?”

Gabe closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. This being his first project, he had no clue about grants. They’d gone over that stuff in college, but he had no practical experience doing it. But he wanted to go on this adventure more than anything.

“I’m not sure,” Gabe answered. “How do I do that?”

“Honestly, any business or even people in your life who support this type of work. There’s no harm in at least asking.”

“I’ll try to come up with something,” Gabe said, trying not to sound deflated.

“Great. I’ll email you the proper forms you’ll need to fill out. I know I’m speaking for everyone on the team when I say you’d be most welcome to work with us. You always manage to make something as boring as digging in the dirt fun.”

He ended the call and stuck his phone back in his pocket. Leaning back, he stretched and peered into the night sky. A plane flew by far overhead, reminding him of his dad. Gabehadn’t talked to him in a while. Even though his parents had been generally absent, the one thing they did support him in was his archeological pursuits.

Emmett tugged at the leash and he started walking again. He could ask his parents for funds. He didn’t want to, but he wasn’t sure where else to look, and he didn’t have time to explore other options. Knowing his parents, they’d want all the details of the project and all the background of the dig site.

They wouldn’t want to know about his personal life, but they’d want to know everything about what they were spending their money on. He had wished for so many years his parents would call, visit, or invite him to wherever in the world they were. Ask about his life. Care about his life. But they didn’t. It hurt in a way he couldn’t put into words. His gut hardened.

Shuffling his way home, he remembered the promise he had made to himself after he left home. He was not going to be like that. Whoever he dated, he’d go all in. He’d want to know all about them. He’d care.

But where had that gotten him? A bunch of failed relationships and a broken heart.

Back at the apartment, he threw Emmett a treat and his phone buzzed again. His heart skipped a beat. Was it Avery, telling him despite the weird love-triangle, he was the one for her? Not that there was much hope. But any contact from her would be welcome at this point.

No, it was Claire.

CLAIRE: Oh, hey Gabey baby! That was awkward, lol.

He rolled his eyes.Wow. Really?That was her reaction running into him and Avery? He had really liked Claire over the summer, but she betrayed him and it was over. Or so hethought. Her texts this week and then her actions a bit ago proved otherwise.

Huh. Wait a second. Of course! Claire must have known there was a possibility Gabe had met Avery, and she was texting to find out. Her text to Gabe earlier asked which school he subbed at. No wonder she was asking. She was trying to find out about him and Avery.

But what did that mean in the bigger picture?

As he brushed his teeth, he imagined a few scenarios in his head. If Claire had known for sure he would meet Avery at work, what then? Claire would have texted him to say… what exactly? What was her angle? Maybe she was simply going to tell him to keep an eye out for her. Like he needed someone else to tell him to do that.

He pulled out his phone and scrolled through Claire’s texts. Just a lot of fishing for info.

Even though he vowed to stay away from women, he literally fell for the next girl he met. He smirked to himself. She was so cute, bringing him the substitute binder. And needing his help with her students. In the library. In the music room. The dance, and then… his truck.

Had it really only been a week since he met her? How had he fallen so hard so fast?

Dumb, Gabe.Dread pierced his heart. Things would never be the same between them anymore. Probably. Definitely. Most likely. Unless, maybe, they could somehow work things out. If that’s what he wanted. What did Avery even want?

What if… if Claire had previously asked Gabe if he was a substitute and which school for the reason ofspying—like maybe she was worried he would be interested, and Claire was jealous—then the whole situation would fall to pieces. He had already cut things off with Claire. Hadn’t he? Claire haddescribed Gabe as a summer fling, but had he actually officially broken up?

Oh crap. His chest tightened and his stomach dropped. He had assumed things were over with them. But maybe to Claire, the totally boy crazy gym girl she was, she still saw Gabe as a backup guy she could pull back in at any time.

GABE: It was only awkward because you made it awkward, Claire.

He waited a few seconds, then typed again.

GABE: BTW, we are over. We have been ever since I walked in on you telling that gym guy I was just a summer fling.