Duh, Gabe.Bile rose up her throat. Claire sounded like Marshall. Anger flooded her veins. Partly because of Claire and partly because Gabe had a recent past with Claire. Avery hadn’t known him long enough to even know any of his past, so it wasn’t her business. But their kiss just now made her think that he was at least available. Maybe he was, or maybe… ug. No. Maybe Avery was Gabe’s rebound.
Gabe’s face went red. “It wasn’t like that.” He looked at Avery, as if trying to explain. “Remember, Claire? You made it clear that—”
Claire quickly turned toward Avery and cut off Gabe. “You look great in my green dress. It wasn’t what I would pick for a dance, but… wait a minute! You and Gabe match.” She pointed to his shirt. “So itwasa date? For reals?”
Semi-date. Until the kiss, anyway. Avery wasn’t about to say all that out loud. Her body was so tense, she didn’t realize until her jaw hurt. Now it was totally locked. But what, what hadGabe been saying about what Claire? She made it clear that… what?”
“I was taking Avery home,” Gabe said to Claire. He stepped away from Claire and over to Avery, motioning for her to get in the truck with him.
“No need, silly,” Claire said, making light of the whole situation. “She lives closer to my place. I can take her,” Claire offered. “Anyway, we haven’t seen each other in a while, so it would be a good time to catch up.”
Avery wanted to go with Gabe. No, she wanted to go with Claire. If only she had her car, she could go home alone and forget this mess.
But at the same time, Avery wanted the whole story from both of them. Separately.Ahhh!Her brain filled with fog. She felt betrayed by two people she had trusted. Had her best friend been seriously dating her new crush, and not even that long ago?
Avery’s emotions swirled downward until she labeled herself what she was: a rebound. Nothing special. The girl of the moment. Wasn’t Gabe just telling her relationships didn’t last long for him? Why did Avery think she would be any different for him?
She looked at Gabe, then back at Claire. She couldn’t win.
“You okay, Gabe? I mean, are you good to drive home by yourself?” Avery asked. Now she was really torn. If she drove Gabe home, she wouldn’t have a way home. So he’d have to drive her home, which means more driving for him. He should just go home and rest, anyway.
Gabe stood with his hands stuffed in his pockets, his body stiff. “I’m fine. Thanks for the soda, Avery.” He turned and headed towards his truck.
Avery shrugged and reluctantly followed Claire to her car. The date, or semi-date, or whatever it was, was officially over.At the last second, she turned back to Gabe’s truck, but it was already gone. Yet again, Avery let Claire take control. Bulldoze her. They hadn’t hung out in years, but suddenly it was like they were teenagers.
“When you told me you were subbing, I wondered if it was the same school as Gabe. But since he and I were only together over the summer months…”
Avery winced at the word “together” as she got into the front seat.
“…I never knew which school it was at. I tried texting him about it, but you know how Gabe is. He’ll go for days without answering. Am I right?” Claire put the car in drive and pulled out of the parking lot.
Actually every time Avery texted, Gabe texted right back. Then again, they had only known each other since Monday.
“So, uh, how did you two meet?” Avery asked, her arms folded, trying to keep her voice even. She hoped she was masking her disappointment.
“At the gym. Sometime in late May or early June I think. He basically came in for the free week trial and never left. I guess leaving all those flyers at the schools were effective.” She giggled, as if her relationship with Gabe was the result of a marketing ploy.
“Were you serious?” Avery wanted to know, but at the same time didn’t want to know. Her heart stopped with the potential of bursting at any moment.
“Oh, you know me,” Claire said, navigating the streets to Avery’s house. “All sorts of guys come into the gym. But Gabe and I, we had fun. If you know what I mean.”
It took everything in Avery’s power not to punch Claire or hurl herself out of the car. Hot tears bubbled to the surface, but she held them back, willing them to stay put. To appearunaffected, she kept her voice even. “Gabe said you only dated a bit.”
“Okay, technically we spent most of our time together in the gym. But we did like to make out at the movies. And in his truck.”
How could she say that? Even if those things had happened, why would Claire pick now to confide her summer with Gabe? Was Claire that clueless? She had to know that Avery and Gabe were at least interested in each other. They had been to a dance together. She even pointed out that they matched, like a real date.
“Oh,” was all Avery could squeak out before turning to the window and gulping down the pain and disappointment.
A knife stuck into Avery’s heart. Only minutes ago, she was on top of the world enveloped in his kiss. Their soft, perfect, passionate kiss. Now this. Avery was literally the next girl, and she could never compete with Claire.
She knew Gabe was too good to be true.
After she said goodbye to Claire and headed inside her house, Avery wiped away a few tears. The house was dark, and Mom was already asleep in the recliner with the TV still blaring. Avery turned off the TV. Her mom blinked, slowly sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
“I must’ve dozed off again,” she said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. “I was waiting up for you. How’d it go?”
“Great. Just great.” Avery was glad the room was dark, and she hoped her mom wouldn’t notice the sadness behind her voice.