Avery thought back to her last birthday. Marshall had stopped by after work, stayed long enough to eat, then left. Not so much as a “happy birthday” let alone a gift. After he left she drove to a florist shop and picked out an arrangement and brought it home.
She even wrote on a card. “To Avery, you are worth more than this.”
The memory was bittersweet. Marshall’s lack of care and attention had hurt her, but it had also made her realize she didn’t want to live like that. For the first time, she started to think of life without him.
“Purple flowers. I like purple flowers.”
Gabe smiled, his dimples appearing. Gosh she loved those dimples. “Bright purple, like your shoes?”
“Can you two quit flirting? I need help over here.” A student whisper-yelled.
Her face flushed in embarrassment as Gabe turned around and headed over to help the student. He stayed at the tables the rest of the class period.
Finally the group of students left, and Gabe waved as he passed. Avery pulled out her phone and texted her mom.
AVERY: How are you feeling?
MOM: I’m fine. Gonna have leftovers for lunch pretty soon.
AVERY: Be careful. The neighbor said she could come over if you need her to bring you anything.
MOM: I’m fine. Promise. Just a little bored.
AVERY: We’re not getting a cat.
MOM: But what about a dog?
Like her mom needed more things to worry about. Except an animal would keep her company and probably make her feel better, at least emotionally. But not a puppy. Cute as they were, they were too much work. A calm adult dog that would watch out for her. Plus, at her last doctor’s appointment, the doctor had cleared her to do a bit of walking, and suggested she keep up a regular routine of short walks. A dog could be good for that, too.
Hmm. Gabe had mentioned he had a dog.
AVERY: Where did you get your dog?
GABE: Why, you gonna steal it?
AVERY: Just wondering.
GABE: So you’re a dog-lover?
AVERY: Depends on the dog.
GABE: I got him before I moved back to Arizona.
AVERY: Where all have you lived?
GABE: How much time do you have?
The rest of the school day was pretty chill, students working fairly quietly on their projects and Gabe chatting with her every once in a while. Avery found herself humming. She was happy. Obviously she loved being in a library, and that alone made the day fly by. But it was more than that. Gabe made her happy.
By the end of the day, she was ready for the weekend. For the dance.
“I don’t know how teachers do this every single day,” Avery said as she handed her binder to Doreen.
“Me neither,” she said. “They tell me it takes a few weeks to get used to it. I’m sure you’ll adjust.”
Avery hoped she didn’t have to get that far. Besides, she was supposed to hear back about the library job soon. Being around books today had been great. Being around Gabe had been great, too.
“You gonna go to the Fall Fling tomorrow?” Doreen asked.