“You’re tardy, Mister.”
He ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah, sorry. My dog barfed while I was in the shower, so then I had to clean it up and I ended up taking another shower. I got here as fast as I could.”
She cringed. “Your dog is sick?” Avery asked, still staring ahead at the students slowly making their way around the gym.
“No. My dog ate all my food. And now I’m out of groceries.”
The rest of class went okay, with Gabe yelling instructions and playing half-court basketball with a bunch of boys, while Avery marked roll, set up the net to play pickleball with some other kids. Avery was still annoyed about Gabe taking charge, but part of her appreciated it, too. Maybe she should relax and let someone else take care of things for a change. But it was hard to focus. The noise of him and gym class was getting to her already.
“Yeah! Take that!” Gabe yelled as his team scored a basket. In a matter of minutes, the students playing basketball were getting rowdy and spilling over into the pickleball area.
The basketball rolled right in between Avery and the net. She picked it up and threw it to him.
“Watch it, buster.”
“Ooooooh!” Several students reacted.
Yesterday and the day before, she was embarrassed when the students called her or Gabe out, but today she didn’t care. He was being… annoying.
She tried to pay attention to serving and hitting and running around the pickleball court, but her eyes kept trailing back to Gabe and the basketball boys. A group of them started running toward the pickleball area. As they approached, they didn’t slow down.
A couple of boys bumped into the pickleball kids. “Oooof!”
Avery ran to the girl, Lila, who had ended up on the floor. “Are you okay?”
“I think so,” Lila said, but then when Avery helped her up, she was limping, her ankle clearly hurt.
Gabe ran over, sweat beading from his forehead.
“I’m taking Lila to the office,” she said. “Can you keep everyone else alive while I’m gone?” Avery said it a little more curt than she meant. Gabe looked away and lowered his head in defeat. Avery’s stomach sank at the thought of making him feel bad, but he really should have been more careful.
All the way to the office, she apologized. “I’m so sorry things got rowdy in there.”
“It’s okay. I don’t really like PE anyway.”
Avery chuckled. “So you like getting hit on purpose?”
Lila laughed. “I’ve had you as a sub for three days in a row,” she added. “I’m glad you’re here. Mr. Manwaring is nice, but you know what it’s like to be in the background.”
Wow. She had no idea she would have an influence over any of the students. A warming sensation enveloped her chest. “Oh,” was all she could think to say. “Thanks.”
In the office, Doreen fawned over Lila with an ice pack for her ankle and laid her on the sofa in a back room. What a sweet woman. The school was lucky to have her.
“I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Doreen said when she and Avery went back to the front desk. “I’ll send her along to second period after a good rest. Do you think Mr. Gabe is getting along with the students all on his own?” There was a twinkle in her eye again.
Avery sighed. “I’m sure he doesn’t need me.”
Doreen leaned forward on the counter. “Think so? That boy is screaming for someone to take care of him. Why do you think I bring him muffins every morning?”
The office phone rang and Doreen picked it up. “Miss Williams? Yes, actually she’s right here.”
Doreen handed her the phone, concern in her eyes. The only person who would possibly be calling her was Mom. Panic filled her and she took the phone.
“Yes?” Avery said.
“Is your mom Patricia Williams?” said a woman on the phone.
Avery’s heart beat loudly and she started shaking. “Yes, is everything okay?”