Page 20 of Substitute for Love

Avery cleared her throat, then kept playing, hoping to help him feel comfortable again. Gabe jumped right in and sang along. They went through about every song she could remember how to play. Playing songs meant they didn’t have to talk and she wouldn’t have to worry about what to say or if they liked each other, or any potential relationship stuff.

A nursery rhyme came to her memory and through her fingers. He bumped her playfully. “I haven’t heard this in forever!”

The bell for lunch rang, and yet they kept making music. Language and literature yesterday had been okay, but music classes so far were easy. Fun. Avery could get used to this. Today had been so much easier than yesterday. It had been her first day obviously, but maybe it was because music was an elective meant the students wanted to be there. Then again, music had always been a big part of her life and she simply found her sub-groove.Maybe she could really do this.

“Did you take choir in high school?” she asked.

“I tried to, but we moved a lot,” Gabe said. There was a fleeting sadness in the way he said that. “Air Force kid.”

“That would be hard,” she said. “My dad’s a truck driver. He was never home.” She played another few stanzas. “From all that moving around, I bet you’re good at making friends at least. The idea of that is scary for an introvert like me.”

“Making friends is easy,” he said. “Keeping them is harder.” He stood and looked at the clock. “Guess I should get back. Thanks for lunch, Avery. Er, Miss Williams.”

There was a formality to him she had never seen before. Had she said something wrong? They seemed to be enjoying themselves, then he suddenly wasn’t happy, goofy Gabe.

“See you in a bit,” she said as he left through the door.

Was he okay? Avery’s first instinct was to go check on him. But soon students entered and it was time to get back to teaching. She quickly took roll and got them started on the setlist.

Avery smiled as she played. Her shoulders didn’t feel tense. Thankfully, her feet didn’t hurt. Maybe she could really do this subbing thing. At least, until a better job came along. The interview for the library position coming up on Friday was her dream job. The pay wasn’t stellar, but she could make it work. And it was something she could grow with.

The clock on the wall indicated it was now halfway through class, so Avery and the choir students headed out the door.

Back in the band room, Gabe was fidgety until the music started. Then he stared at her. What was he feeling right now?

Her fingers tripped on some of the harder parts, but for some reason, she didn’t berate herself. It had been a while since she had played piano, and she was doing great.

Positive self-talk?!Where did that come from?

Smiling, quick fingers on the keys, eyes closed, she concentrated on the notes, like no one was judging her. No thought of “duh Avery” for a while. She was needed and appreciated. By the students, and by Gabe, who smiled.

After the last bell rang, Avery lingered in the band room. She liked how she felt around him, and she wanted the feeling to last longer.

“So, you subbing tomorrow?” he asked as he picked up his sub binder off the band teacher’s desk.

“Maybe,” Avery said as she turned off the keyboard and put the music away. “What’s available?”

Gabe pulled his phone out and opened the app. “Two for PE. Mr. Snyder and Miss Goss usually team teach. Crazy it’s for both of them—that never happens. I bet Doreen knows the scoop. Could be fun to sub in there, though” He looked up at her, not asking if she wanted to sub along with him, but not NOT asking either.

Another day with Gabe? He had helped her yesterday, and she had sorta helped him today. Why not? They seemed to work well together.

“Let’s do it. I mean, if you want to.”

He smiled, his dimples reappearing. “It’s a date.” He clicked on the app and then closed his phone.

Good grief. Avery clicked to accept the sub job on her phone. “Working is not a date.”

He opened the door for her, and her heart fluttered in her chest. She had never felt so... so… honored. Still, it was too soon after her last relationship to jump into something again. Avery had to guard herself. She stared him down to gauge his thoughts. He seemed to always err on the side of playful. How can you tell if an outgoing guy is flirting or being himself?

As they walked toward the office, Doreen appeared behind the desk.

“Doreen! I missed you,” Gabe said.

Her eyes lit up, then she playfully put her hands on her hips. “But no prep period or lunch visit today? What gives?”

Gabe turned and looked at Avery. “I, uh”—he turned back toward Doreen—“was super busy.”

“With the students,” Avery added, handing her the sub binder.