Page 56 of Substitute for Love

The bell sounded and the 7th period students filed out of the classroom. She tidied up, wrote a quick note to the teacher about how great the students had been, then grabbed the substitute binder. Since the first-day binder mix-up fiasco, she always double checked the name at the top of the rolls before leaving the front office. So far, she had never been handed the wrong binder again. As she turned out the lights and closed the door, a thought crossed her mind. Had Doreen done it on purpose the first time?

She shook her head. Doreen was a sweet lady. Loved the students. Was always helpful. Maybe a little too helpful? Loved giving Gabe snacks. Loved Gabe in general. Would it be such a stretch for Doreen to try to match make? Avery held the binder close as she walked down the hall toward the office. Perhaps she would have met Gabe anyway, and things would have turned out the same. Or what if they hadn’t met? Would she still be subbing?

Without thinking, she stopped in front of Gabe’s classroom door. His back was to the window, but she could see all the students looking up at him, smiling and engaged. It was too bad he was planning to leave and do archeology. He was so good at teaching.

She looked ahead toward the office, her steps slow. Despite how things had played out between them, he had influenced her in a good way. She wasn’t afraid of the students like she hadbeen the first day. In fact, she looked forward to whatever the next substitute job would be.

Avery continued around the corner toward the office. Marshall had been an emotionally abusive creep, which was why she had left. Gabe, conversely, was a good influence, but unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be. Not exactly failures if she thought of them differently. But she would keep her guard up. Even though she had promised herself not to fall for anyone when she moved back to Phoenix, she knew better now. No men. Period.

“Hey, Doreen. How was your day?”

The secretary looked up from her desk and smiled. “Oh, hi there, honey. Another glorious day at Desert Scorpion. How were the students for you today?”

Avery handed the binder to her. “They were great, actually.”

“Getting the hang of it, huh?” Doreen had a twinkle in her eye.

For a split second, she considered asking Doreen straight up if she purposely switched the substitute binders. She hesitated, then fished in her purse for her sunglasses. Maybe she could find out without asking.

“Well, you know, Gabe has given me some good tips.” Avery winked, then put her sunglasses on.

“I knew the moment you walked in you two would get along. He’s a natural, that one. Too bad he won’t be staying for long. I mean, unless he can find some reason to stay.” Doreen said.

The phone rang and Doreen waved goodbye as she answered.

Avery narrowed her eyes. Was Doreen referring to Avery being the reason Gabe would stay? If that was the case, she was sorely mistaken. Maybe she simply didn’t want him going on the dig.

Wait a second. Did Doreen know about Claire? No way. Their fling was over the summer, so Gabe wasn’t subbing then. And Claire hadn’t even known what school Gabe subbed at, so today was probably her first time here. Right?

But somehow, Doreen must have known about Claire, because maybe Gabe had mentioned her or something. And that must be what she meant by “reason to stay.”

Oh. Dang. Her heart sank.

Avery opened the double doors, the Phoenix afternoon sun nearly blinding her despite wearing sunglasses. The light and heat permeated her skin, a light breeze doing nothing to relieve the temperature. Some days Phoenix was like a warm hug, but right now it was like a blow dryer to her face.

She headed to her car, Gabe’s truck coming into view on the way. Maybe Doreen knew what was up with Gabe and Claire. That her visit and hugs meant they were back together. Or were never really apart. A quick glance into his truck and Avery saw it. A badge to Claire’s gym hung from his rear-view mirror. It hadn’t been there on Saturday. So, yeah. They were back together.

Duh, Avery. When will you realize none of this has been about you?She reached for her car door handle, the hot metal immediately burning her hand. “Ouch!”

“You okay?”

Avery practically gave herself whiplash as she turned in panic to see who was behind her.

“Gabe? What are you doing out here?” She rubbed her hot hand on her hip, then pushed up her sunglasses. Act natural. Things were normal right now.

He smirked. “I asked you first.”

She lifted her hand and showed him her palm that still hurt from the hot metal. “Oh yeah, fine. Getting used to the heat again, you know? It’s a good 30 degrees cooler up in Flagstaff.”

He nodded. “I see.”

Avery waited, narrowing her eyes.

“Oh,” Gabe said. “So, to answer your question, I’m out here because my students, uh, dared me to.” He turned around and waved at an entire classroom pressed up against the glass, watching.

“They dared you to… come outside? Why?”

Gabe ran his fingers through his floofy hair and he looked down at his shoes. “It’s a long story, but we were playing truth or dare, and…”