Page 50 of Substitute for Love

Gabe didn’t say anything, just clicked on an attachment. “So here’s the grant proposal I need to fill in. It’s pretty long. Ten pages?”

Avery scanned over what he had already filled out. “GabeTalonManwaring? Your middle name is Talon?”

He closed his eyes for a few seconds. “Yes. My father was training for the Air Force and was flying a T-38 Talon, so here we are.” He scrolled down.

“That’s right. Air Force. You must have moved all over. Where else have you lived?”

“Everywhere. California, Canada, Germany, Japan, Texas. Luke Air Force base up the road is where my dad retired.”

Avery nodded, remembering jets flying over her house growing up. “So do your parents live around here, then?” She was genuinely curious. It must be exciting, seeing new places and people and experienced different cultures. She had lived in Phoenix her whole life, minus the short stint in Flagstaff at the college dorms, then living with Marshall.

“No. My parents are in Austria, I think. My mother always wanted to live the Austrian lifestyle, whatever that means. Climbing every mountain or something.” He winked.

Avery snickered, picturing Gabe climbing a mountain while yodeling. “I loveThe Sound of Music. Are you close with your parents?”

He shook his head. “No. Never have been. Which is going to make it awkward when I send them this proposal and ask them for the funding.”

“Oh, wow. Gutsy. Think they’ll go for it?”

They exchanged glances, Avery conflicted over what she wanted the outcome to be. She wanted what Gabe wanted. But her heart still clung to the possibility that they could somehow work out. “Hopefully,” Gabe said. “Only if this proposal is top notch. Which is where you come in.”

“You have that much trust in my abilities?” Avery’s face flushed.


“But you’ve never read any of my writing. Except texts.”

Gabe sighed. “Based on how your brain works, I think you’re probably really good at whatever you say you’re good at. Plus you read a lot. And, well, I don’t know who else to ask.”

She wasn’t sure how to feel about his statement. On one hand, he had thought about how her brain works. This goofball was also thoughtful and smart. On the other hand, he was pretty desperate and wanted her help simply because he had no other options.

“Gee, I feel so special.” She elbowed him, and he started typing away on his computer.

Chapter 15: Gabe

Sunday August 31, NOON

Gabe closed all the tabs on the computer. His stomach had been rumbling for a while, but he and Avery had been on a roll figuring out the paperwork and he didn’t want to stop. But when the clock hit noon he couldn’t stand it anymore. “I’m starving. Let’s go eat.”

Avery narrowed her eyes at him, as if calculating his motives.

Gabe held up his hands in defense. “As friends. Promise.”

They drove separately, Gabe playing the morning over in his head. What luck Avery had been at the library, and they were on friendly terms again. He had wished for more, but considering everything, it really was the best solution.

“What do you want, Gabe?”

Avery’s voice danced around in his head. What did he want? A loaded question. He wanted lots of things, but they all pulled at each other. A relationship with his parents. A great job as an archeologist, while still somehow substitute teaching. A relationship with a girl… with Avery. Not that he was going to tell her that. Being in the friend zone was better than no zone at all.

They each pulled up to a local Mexican restaurant Gabe had picked. “This place has the best everything,” he proclaimed.

Avery took off her sunglasses. “Must be new. I don’t remember this place.”

He opened the door and waited for her to walk through. “Not a date. Just a guy being chivalrous.”

“My hero,” she said.

Gabe laughed. Avery was funny, even when she wasn’t trying. Witty. Probably why she was so good at writing—she had come up with some great stuff while helping him on the forms earlier. There was still more work to do, but it was a great start.