“Oh, I gotta send you the photo of the two of you. Anyway, tell me more about it tomorrow, promise?”
Later, after she slipped under the covers, she checked her phone. The only text was from her mom. She opened the photoof her and Gabe and studied it for a minute. His wild hair. His kind eyes. His adorable smile.
She would have forwarded it to him—if the night had ended differently. In a way, it was best to have everything out in the open. As hard as it was to admit, she truly was okay being single. After Marshall, it wasn’t a good idea to jump into something else so soon. Gabe was a nice guy and they had fun. But Claire was right—he wasn’t her type. Or she wasn’t his type. Or something.
What was Avery’s type? She only ever dated Marshall, and now she had kissed Gabe. Avery shook her head in confusion. The two were night and day different. Maybe Avery was still figuring out what she needed in her life.
Maybe she should text Gabe thank you for the semi-date, but that they should just stay friends. Co-workers. So when they ran into each other at school, things wouldn’t be so awkward. Avery opened his texts, reading through their cute banter from only hours earlier. Her heart sank, but she didn’t let herself feel sad. If their—friendship? Relationship?—had been longer and they had been officially together, maybe even in love, then she find out about Claire?
Avery shook her head. Why did it all even matter? Claire and Gabe weren’t together anymore. It wasn’t like they couldn’t… do what they did in his truck. Kiss like the best kiss of all time. She swooned. Relived the moment in her mind. It had felt so good. Gentle yet electric, sending shivers down her spine and making her heart pound in a way both thrilling and terrifying. In that moment, nothing else mattered—just the taste of him, the feel of his lips on hers, and the dizzying realization that she could get lost in him if she let herself.
But maybe she didn’t deserve a fairy tale kiss like that. Or maybe it wasn’t real.
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. No. Again she stopped herself from going down that road. Things were messyand she needed to focus on helping her mom and getting a long-term job and having a life outside of dating and men.
Three dots appeared in Gabe’s text window. He was awake, maybe laying in his bed, about to text her. Avery’s heart fluttered. What was he going to say? What did she even want him to say?
The brain part of her wanted him to admit it had all been a mistake so she wouldn’t have to be the one to tell him. Deep down, in her heart of hearts, that wasn’t what Avery truly wanted. For a solid five minutes, the three dots appeared, then disappeared, appeared, then disappeared. Her head pounded and her heart sank even lower with anticipation.
“Gabe. What are you doing? Text me already.”
Her phone dinged. Excitement pricked her, until she realized who the text was from. Marshall? Why?
MARSHALL: I’m coming to town next weekend. I want to see you.
Avery closed her eyes and put her hand over her face. This was the worst timing. She did not want to see him. But she knew he’d be relentless, plus he knew where her mom lived. He’d find a way to find her.
She’d deal with it later. With a few taps, she was back to staring at Gabe’s text window. The three dots appeared, then disappeared, again and again. After what seemed like an eternity, Avery couldn’t take it anymore. “Gah!” She turned off the sound on her phone, put it in the drawer of her nightstand, then went to sleep.
Chapter 13: Gabe
Saturday August 30, 9:34 PM
How could he be so dumb? How in the world had he been interested in two girls, back-to-back, who were apparently also friends? As if being around Claire wasn’t awkward enough, now she was acting interested again?
His head still swirled, partially from the incident at the dance earlier, but he honestly was fine now. Though he was still reeling the whole Avery and Claire situation that basically blew up in his face. Gabe had had the best time with Avery, and now it was all ruined. If only he had followed his own advice about not pursuing another girl. But Avery was different. He had never felt this way about anyone before.
He also shouldn’t have ignored Claire’s text this week. Maybe he could have made it 100% clear there was nothing left between the two of them. Though he wasn’t sure that would stop Claire listening and just doing what Claire does: whatever she wanted. Still, confusion filled his brain. Why had Claire seen Gabe as a “summer fling” only to act interested now? Sure, Claire and Avery being friends was awkward, but Claire had made it worse. Stroking his back and arm, acting surprised that Avery and Gabe had been to the dance together.
When Avery had gotten out of the truck, her eyes were on fire, and as Claire spoke, she slowly lost steam, like a deflated balloon. Whatever hold Claire had over Avery, it was clear Avery listened to her. Had decided to go home with her instead of Gabe. Not that Gabe had fought for her. Who was he to decide what Avery wanted?
One thing was clear now. It over with Avery. Another failed relationship, or at least what he thought could have been a relationship.
He tried not to think of Avery as he got into his truck. He tried not to think about how she took care of him as he put on his seatbelt. He tried not to think about their kiss—actually both of them, the second one really surprised him—as he drove out of the parking lot and onto the main road. But it was impossible.
It had been the best kiss/kisses of his life. If only he could rewind time and go back to that moment.
A honk behind him brought him back to the present. Gabe looked up to see the stoplight had turned green, but he hadn’t moved. He shook his head back into the present and shifted into gear, trying to pay better attention to driving home.
What was he going to do now? At least tomorrow was Sunday and there was no possibility of subbing, so he wouldn’t have to face her yet. But Monday would come soon enough. Wait a second, that was Labor Day. Maybe he could text Avery. Or maybe that would make things worse.
He opened the door of his apartment and Emmett jumped on him. “Hey buddy,” Gabe said, bending down and scratching his dog’s head. “You’re pretty much my only long-term relationship.” Dang, now he was really depressed. “Come on, boy, let’s go for a walk.” He snapped Emmett’s harness and leash into place and headed out the door and around his apartment complex.
Gabe’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He stopped walking and retrieved it as his mind whirled. Was it Claire? Or Avery? Maybe on their drive they decided to conspire against him.
One look at the screen and his fear turned to excitement, hope rising in his chest. “Professor Reynolds! I hope you’re calling with good news.”
This could be his way out. If he could make a clean break by moving as far away from Phoenix as possible, he wouldn’t have to worry about running into two women who probably hated his guts. Which was definitely his own fault.