By the time he reached them, they were all out punching each other. Gabe had encountered this before, though never in class. Usually at after-school events when they were less on guard with their behavior.
“Hey, hey, knock it off!” Gabe put himself between the two boys, who tried to go around and keep hitting each other, getting a few smacks onto Gabe’s right ear and right side of his head in the crossfire. His ear stung, and the side of his head around his ear was tender.
A couple other male teachers ran to the rescue, pulling the two boys away.
“I told him to stay away from my girl!” one yelled to the other.
“You can’t face the fact she likes me better!” the second one yelled back.
Two teenage boys, fighting over a girl. Typical. The teachers took the boys outside and, Gabe assumed, eventually sent them home.
A trickle of something tickled at his cheek. He wiped it away, then looked at his hand. A tiny bit of blood. He touched his right ear and winced. Pulling his hand way again, he noticedfresh blood. A fist must have cut his ear. Gabe turned toward the group of kids still standing around. “We good? No more fighting?” They nodded their heads, and he headed back to the snack table.
“Oh my gosh, you’re bleeding!” Avery gasped, her eyes wide with concern. Before he could protest, she grabbed his hand, her touch sending a shiver up his arm, and pulled him into the hallway. Her hand was firm, yet gentle, and the warmth of it was almost enough to distract him from the dull ache in his ear.
They reached the front office, the side door open, and Avery pushed him into Doreen’s chair, her brow furrowed in concentration as she rummaged through drawers.
“It’s not that much, really,” Gabe tried to assure her, but there was something about the way she fussed over him that made his chest tighten with something more than just the lingering pain.
“I know she has a first aid kit in here. Ah ha!” Avery’s triumph was soft but determined She laid the kit on the desk, her hands steady as she pulled out supplies. Gabe couldn’t tear his eyes away from her, his pulse quickening as she worked with such focused care.
When she opened a cleansing pad, her fingers brushed his skin, sending a ripple of warmth through him. The pad was cool against his ear, but all he could feel was the heat rising in his cheeks. Normally, the sting would make him wince, but with Avery so close, the only thing he felt was the fluttering of butterflies in his stomach.
Avery’s face was inches from his, her breath soft against his cheek as she placed a small bandage on his ear. Her fingers lingered for just a moment longer than necessary, and Gabe’s heart thudded in his chest, the world narrowing to just the two of them in that small office.
“There, that should do it.” Avery’s voice was a whisper, her eyes searching his as she discarded the wrapper. But before she could pull away, Gabe’s hand found her arm, his touch gentle but insistent.
“Avery,” he breathed, his voice husky with emotion. He tugged her closer, and for a heartbeat, they were suspended in the moment, the air between them crackling with unspoken possibilities. Her eyes locked onto his, and that familiar jolt of electricity flowed through him, the kind of electricity that made his heart race and his thoughts scatter.
Should he kiss her now? The question hung in the air, unanswered, but the intensity of the moment left no doubt—this was the beginning of something that neither of them could deny.
Chapter 12: Avery
He pulled her down toward him, like she was in a movie and they were about to kiss. Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat urging her closer. His eyes fixated on her lips, and her breath hitched, longing for that connection. She wanted it—wanted him—but she needed him to want it too, to close the distance on his own.
But was that wise? Her mind buzzed with doubts, clashing with the heat building inside her. The last thing she expected after breaking off a long-term relationship was to find someone else so fast. She had never really dated anyone else. The thought of diving into something new so quickly was reckless. Was she ready for this? For him?
“Avery, I…” Gabe hesitated, his voice pulling her back from the edge of her thoughts. “Thanks.” He let go of her and stood, placing a hand on his head. “Ouch.”
The anticipation that had been crackling between them shattered. She let out a breath, the pent-up excitement dissipating into the cool air. Yes, Avery wanted him to kiss her, but now wasn’t the time. And what if he was only woozy, not really himself?
Gabe wobbled, and instinctively, she put her arms around him to steady him, feeling the warmth of his body seep into hers. “Woah there, buddy. I think you got up too fast.”
“I do everything too fast.” He paused, his words laced with an unspoken regret. “I probably shouldn’t have jumped in between those boys.”
She helped him sit again, her hands lingering on his shoulders, feeling the tension coiled beneath his skin. “It’s okayto protect the students, but you have to watch out for yourself too.” Her fingers found their way into his hair, brushing through the strands, scratching his scalp lightly.
“Dang. That feels good.” He closed his eyes and leaned toward the desk, a small, contented smile playing on his lips.
“Uh, Gabe?” His head started to slip from her hands, his weight pulling him down.
“You’re falling.” She held his head tighter, panic rising in her chest as she tried to keep him steady.
“Gabe! Wake up.” Her voice trembled, her worry bleeding into the words.