“For the love of God, when are you going to let that go?”
She just picks up her sparkling water and takes a sip.
I take a deep breath and decide to lay it all out. “The truth is, when you asked for me as your bodyguard, I was surprised. But I’m glad I’ve had a chance to get to know you.” I meet her gaze steadily. “I intend to keep you aliveandhelp you get your vengeance. But Idowork for the Consortium. That’s not something either of us should forget. This morning was amazing—but I don’t want to make you think it was something more than it was.”
To my surprise, the hard lines of Brie’s face soften slightly. “I’m sorry, Nik. I got a little intense earlier. It’s just…” She looks away. “Most women I sleep with, I send them on their way right after. To ensure their safety, you understand? So with you…I worry.”
That confession really takes me by surprise, but it makes sense. And I see now what a lonely life Brie must have been leading, despite all appearances. Unlike her husband, she never felt safe enough to invite a long-term lover into her life.
I reach over the table and put my hand on hers. “It’s not your job to worry about me. It’s the other way around.”
A ghost of a smile plays at her lips. “I suppose you’re right. Can we…just draw a line under what happened between us? Get back to playing detective?”
But what else was I expecting? At least Brie’s taking it well. This attraction between us is inconvenient at best, and dangerous at worst. She’s being practical.
“Sure, let’s do that,” I say, patting at my mouth with a napkin. “And maybe we should head back to the casino tonight. Catch whoever’s behind these attacks on you off-guard. Talk to Sophie, and see if Caruso got anything out of Vince Sabatelli. Find out if Frank made any headway?—”
“Unlikely,” she says with feeling.
“—and we can see if Holden’s made any progress with that footage. If there’s trouble, we can bail fast and come back here.”
Brie nods, her eyes gleaming with renewed purpose. “Let’s do it.”
And maybe I can take a moment to catch up with Eva. Apologize for missing the meeting this morning. Find a way to appease her.
Because she’s not going to be happy with me.
“Ready?”I ask, scanning the entrance of the Golden Sands casino for potential threats. Knowing that Brie’s life is legitimately in danger is sharpening my senses, but it looks clear.
“As I’ll ever be,” she replies.
We step out of the car and I throw the keys to the valet. His eyes widen as he recognizes Brie, clothed in yet another gold dress. I place a hand on the small of her back, guiding her through the sea of curious stares. Whispers ripple through the staff like a breeze.
We planned to come in the front door, make a splash. And we certainly have done that.
We head through to the casino floor, where players at the tables pause mid-bet, their eyes following our progress. The cocktail waitress nearby hesitates, tray wobbling slightly as we pass.
Brie leads me swiftly to a private elevator, and as the doors slide shut, I catch a glimpse of our reflection. Brie, resplendent in her deep gold dress, with me a dark shadow at her side.
We do make a striking pair.
The elevator opens directly into a conference room, a different one to the room the Consortium contracts were discussed, and this must be the inner sanctum of the Colombo Family, heavy and old fashioned in mahogany and leather. Frank and Larry are there already.
“Breezy,” Frank says, rushing over. “Where the hell have you been?”
“Safe,” she is all she says. “Come on, Frank, let’s sit down and get on with things. Nik doesn’t want me here any longer than necessary.”
Frank eyes me. “I’ll bet she doesn’t. I don’t like this Consortium member having your ear all the time, Breezy, it’s not?—”
“Frank,” Brie says firmly. “Sit.”
Brie takes a seat at the head of the table, and I position myself behind her, trying my best to fade into the woodwork.