We’re stopped at the doors by casino security, where we surrender our phones—and Nik, with some persuading from me, hands over her guns. But she refuses to give up the knife hidden at the small of her back.

“I’m her bodyguard,” she snaps at security, thumbing at me. “Get it?Body. Guard.”

“Everyone who attends the poker game comes unarmed and no one will have a phone,” I tell her patiently. “We accept the rules or we don’t go in. And we’re going in.”

“You’re the boss here,” she argues. “Tell these morons I’m an exception.”

I smile. “But you’renotan exception. And remember what Eva said—you’re supposed toobeyme.” I flap my eyelashes, and she glowers even harder. But she gives up the knife, and finally, we’re admitted.

The room is already thick with cigar smoke, the scent mingling with expensive male cologne and the tang of hard liquor. Faces turn our way—some curious, others calculating. I spot a few Triad men in one corner, while a drug cartel leader lounges by the bar, drink in hand. Representatives from a few Italian and Russian Families linger near the poker table, eyeing me with a mix of interest and skepticism.

I notice a few members of the Consortium, too. But Eva is conspicuously absent, although I know Holden Brooks sent out an invitation to her personally.

“Eva doesn’t like games of chance,” Nik murmurs close to my ear, her breath warm against my skin. “Only skill. She prefers to be in perfect control at all times.”

She does that mind-reading trick of hers more often than I’d like. I don’t bother to argue with her about whether poker is more skill or luck, because Larry Caruso has caught my eye and gestured for me to join him in a quiet corner. I glance at Nik, and hold up a hand. “You’ll need to stay away for a minute. Family business. And none of yours.”

She tilts her head to one side, but then shrugs. “Fine.” And then she melts away, making sure she can keep an eye on me, but far enough away that I can speak in confidence. But as I make my way to Larry, I see Nik being approached by one of theConsortium members, who turns his back on me to speak to her, as though hiding what he’s saying.

A note of suspicion sounds in my head. What are they doing? Is Nik reporting back about my activities, sharing information on the Colombo Family?

It’s not that I don’t expect it. I can buy just about anything I want, but trust is a luxury I can’t afford. And there’s nothing Nik has learned during her time with me that wouldn’t become public knowledge soon enough, anyway.

So it doesn’t really matter what she says to them.

She can spill her damn guts for all I care.

I reach Larry, who blinks at me. “You okay, Breezy? You look a little…” He scrunches up his face as he tries to find the word. “Upset.”

“Of course I’m upset,” I snap before I can stop myself, and then have to do a little fast-talk. “My husband just got murdered, Larry, and these poker nights were his favorite thing.”

His weathered face is a mask of concern as he leans in close, bourbon on his breath. “Of course, of course. I wasn’t thinking. And I hate seeing you put in this position,” he adds. “But soon the Family will be running smoothly again. You have my word on that. And you know we take care of our own. You got nothing to worry about.” He clasps my shoulder, his grip firm. “I hope I can count on your support, Breezy?”

The question catches me off guard, but I don’t let it show. I just offer him an enigmatic smile. “I guess we’ll see how things fall out.”

As Larry moves away, I get that same unnerving feeling that I got at the funeral, and I look around the room instinctively as the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Someone here…hatesme. Hates me with passionate malevolence.

I’m sure of it. I canfeelit?—

“What’s wrong?”

With a gasp of surprise, I sway into Nik, who has suddenly appeared. “I…”

CanI trust her? Do I have a choice?

“Let’s leave,” she says briskly, looking into my face. “You don’t have to be here.”

It makes me mad, hearing her suggest I turn tail and run. “Like hell I’m leaving. Anyway, look, there’s Holden—he wants to talk.”

“I’m so glad you’re here,” he gushes at me, his eyes a little damp. “You know how much Terry loved these nights. I feel like—like it’s our own little memorial to him.”

I nod, my throat suddenly tight.

“Cards will start in about a half hour,” he goes on. “But if you could work the room until then and get them to loosen up a little, I’d really appreciate it. Strained atmosphere tonight.”

“I’ve felt that way myself,” I agree, with a little shiver. “Maybe they’re missing Terry, too. Anyway, you got it, Holden. The Golden Lady of the Sands is here to dazzle.”