Page 54 of My Possessive Alpha

I felt myself softening as I took a few quiet steps into the room, hoping not to disturb our little girl, yet I couldn’t resist.

Everyone always talked about their babies as if they were the perfect beings ever to grace the planet, and while I never quite understood before, it all made perfect sense to me the moment Callie was born, and I had the chance to look at her.

From the second she was placed against Lydia’s chest and then eventually put in my arms, I knew nothing could shake my world more than feeling that undeniable love for the first time.

There was something so different about having a vulnerable, delicate being to look after and to pour my entire heart over. I was instantly aware that I would do quite literally anything to keep her safe.

Callie, the product of our bond and the proof of our resilience was perfect in every way, and I struggled to grasp just how incredibly thankful I was for her.

As Lydia’s gaze landed on me, she pulled a soft, loving smile, gently swayed Callie in her arms, and continued that peaceful humming.

The faint glimmer in her eyes served as an invitation as I approached. I tucked myself in beside her so I could look down at the newborn cradled safely in her arms.

Her soft lashes, the natural pout in her lips, and the tiny fingers she curled up tightly while she slept soundly contributed to the many ways she charmed us. Even if she was still far too young to determine who she took after the most, it was clear that pieces of both of us were gleaned within her.

Placing an arm over her shoulders gently, I smiled and pressed a tender kiss to the top of Lydia’s head, unable to get my complete fill of the moment.

The presence of innocent, unassuming life in our house made it feel that much more welcoming—that much more warm and comforting. While it still felt like home with the two of us, it was just different. It was proof that even while things were great, they could always get that much better, too.

Lydia leaned her head against me as she maintained that motherly position, appearing like nothing short of a natural at her new, life-long job, and I couldn’t help but soak it in with unwavering pride.

Every day, I couldn’t resist the urge to thank Lydia for everything she gave me just by merely existing. I always wanted her to know that while Callie held an important place in my heart, she was my first love.

My friend, my partner, and my mate. The only woman I could ever see myself with.

Even as the moment played out around me, I wished I could bottle it and save it for later. While that wasn’t possible, I settled on letting it all in and feeling every moment of pure, uninterrupted gratitude.

Regardless of the hurdles, I finally had everything I ever wanted, and it all fit within the four walls of the nursery.
