Motherfucker! I never really liked Brook, but what the fuck? I thought we were starting to come to an understanding. All the conversations venting about how controlling, manipulative, and conniving her mom was. All she kept saying constantly was how wrong Beth had been all these years with how she has run the coven into the ground. Burning too many bridges to count, yada, yada.
I burst into my office, throwing my purse at the bitch, knocking her off balance.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing!?” I yell as she whips her head around, still on the floor next to my desk with my safe wide open.
I smirk at the white tape on her face, noticing that Emily broke her nose. There is not enough makeup in the world to cover the bruising under both of her eyes. I’ll give her points for trying though.
“You weren’t supposed to be here.” Brook rolls her eyes as she moves to stand up, attempting to grab the duffle bag full of cash, among other particularly important things to me.
My mothers’, fathers’, and grandmothers’ things—items the witches are desperate for. Things neither of the women who raised me would ever part with.
I’ll be damned if they get them from me.
“I knew you were a spineless cunt like your mother!” I rush her before she can stand up or grab the duffle bag.
I grab Brooks stringy ass, ditchwater, brown hair right before her hand is able to grab the bag, catching her off balance, and slam her forehead into the side my metal desk. The blow knocks the thieving bitch out. I let go of her hair and watch her lifeless body fall to the floor.
I can’t help but chuckle at the sound her head made against the metal.
PING! I still hear the echo bouncing off the brick walls.
“Bitch down!” a male voice shouts, catching me off guard.
I turn abruptly to the familiar, yet unfamiliar voice, startled.
“That’s definitely going to leave a mark.” He speaks again when I just stare at him wide-eyed.
Brixon, Liam and their very buff and very good-looking buddy, who is just a bit smaller than Brixon, and a lot smaller than Liam are standing inside the doorway to my office. They are staring and smiling at me like I’m some kind of freak show.
I’m stunned momentarily as I look Brixon up and down, mesmerized by just how fucking hot he is. I blink several times, trying to break my eyes away from him, but I can’t.
I swallow, sizing him up! Fuck!
He is showing off sleeved tattoos that disappear under his green button up collared shirt sleeve, rolled up to just below his elbows.
I shake my head, squeezing my eyes shut, then open them again after counting to five.
“What in the hell are you guys doing here?” I ask as I step over Brook and grab the duffle bag, holding it securely as I back away from them.
“Well, fuck, we screwed this up.” Liam, the tall blonde with a crooked grin, who was with Emily last night, cocks his head as he strokes his chin like he is thinking about something as he stares at me.
“Get the fuck out before I call the cops!” I yell at them, but they all three bust out laughing.
“Call the cops, this chick was obviously stealing from you.” Brixon says, trying to sound stern, but failing.
I can’t break eye contact with him if I tried, which I am trying, but it’s like he has me hooked. He smirks, knowing he is winning this battle between us that I’m not sure is even a battle.
Cocky fucker!
My eyes jolt to Jinx trotting in, moving around Brook, who is still knocked out on the floor.
I drop the duffle bag and step towards them doubling up my fists, ready for a fight if that’s what they want.
“Calm down, little witch, we aren’t here to hurt you. We heard a scream as we were walking by and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay, that’s all. Does she need medical attention?” He pauses for me to answer, but I just stare blankly. “You know me, and Liam, but you didn’t get to meet Noah last night.” His voice sounds strained, yet enticing as he holds his hands up pointing to the big one to his left, then the surfer boy on his right.
Fuck, it should be illegal for a man to look like that. After last night, I know he knows the effect he has on women.
The new one, Noah, holds out his hand to introduce himself and I retreat.