She may have taken her breakup with Kevin a little harder than I thought she would have, drinking herself into more tears.
I can’t wait to make that son of a bitch pay for hitting her. From what she told me last night, he looked one hundred times worse than she does when Liam drug his ass down the stairs, before the ambulance got there for him.
She still isn’t sure how much of the damage she actually did. She said she just saw red and put those Krav Maga classes we took last summer to beneficial use.
She has been through the ringer with guys. She had one big shot real estate guy that she had been on a few dates with drug and kidnap her for three days. She told me that he kept her in some sex room and did unspeakable things to her. Shit that no one should ever have to live through.
I had only met her a couple of times when she first came into town, and then she asked for me when she went to the hospital, after somehow escaping from the guy. She couldn’t remember most of what happened, or how she got away, but ended up safe in the hospital.
She didn’t want to face anyone that she knew and didn’t feel like she could go home and face her family.
I will find that mother fucker someday, and when I do, he will know what it is to suffer.
I practically jog down to the gate, jumping when I slam it, angry, once again, thinking about how fragile she was that night.
We both hunkered down in the bayou for about eight months, making sure he didn’t get anywhere near her. She quit her job and switched to marketing and editing for a local author.
Her business took off like a rocket, thanks to some serious word-of-mouth buzz. Before long, she was juggling work with several up-and-coming authors.
Working from home made her feel safe and kept her out of town, where she didn’t have to deal with any potential drama. I made sure she had everything she needed while she healed, both physically and mentally.
When she was ready to move into the house on St. Charles Avenue, she had her own money, to do with as she pleased, that she had made while building a business that she could be proudof. She has been with me ever since, kicking ass at the career she had always dreamed of.
I’m so proud of her.
Mama had already been in the hospital for almost a year when Emily moved in. She passed away two weeks later.
Emily was there for me like I had been there for her.
I look back just as Jinx, my cat comes running around to the sidewalk as well, stopping me. I look up to see a local furniture store truck pulling up to the old Victorian manor next door.
“Looks like the new neighbors are finally getting more settled in, Jinx. We better be on our best behavior from now on buddy, don’t want to scare them off. Especially since they are definitely not gay.” I bend down as he jumps into my arms, nuzzling my neck.
I think about the handsome Brixon again before trying to shake the guy’s eyes from my head. Blue green like the ocean, and if I’m being honest, fucking mesmerizing.
I set Jinx down and spin on my heel, hurrying down the sidewalk. I barely register the remnants of Christmas decorations that are starting to come down, soon to be replaced by Mardi Gras bling in the next week.
I’ve been feeling off lately, like something big is about to happen—whether it’s bad, or against all odds, good, I’m not sure. I just can’t pin it down. It’s like my gift has a glitch.
When I round the corner and see Brook’s car parked by the back door of the shop, my pace quickens. I can’t believe she was able to make bail.
I knew that cunt was bad news the moment her and her bitch mother, Beth Haleigh, stepped foot in my store. I remember them from the coven, but it had been years since I had been face-to-face with my family’s enemy number one.
Brook has worked for me for the last few months. Her mother is not just one of the elders of our coven, she is the High Priestess. The same coven that cast out my mother and grandmother because of my father.
I was welcomed with open arms by fake ass women who belittled me. I just choose to stay away from them, but when the Priestess herself asks for a favor, you don’t exactly have the option to say no.
I quickly make it through the back door, which Brook didn't even bother to lock, and tiptoe toward my office, trying to stay as quiet as possible. The light from my office spills out into the dark hallway, casting eerie shadows.
I pause at the door, peeking around it to see what Brook’s up to. My chest tightens with a white-hot rage I can’t quite explain.I’m about to storm in and fuck her up when her phone rings. I hunker back, listening intently.
I hear a familiar voice crackle through her speaker. “Did the combination I gave you work? We only have one shot at this!”
“Yeah, babe, I’m here now. You were right—she’s got about ten grand in the safe along with the crystal, but no grimoire, or necklace. I’ll bring it over when I’m done here. I love you, Jeff.” And just like that, the call ends without another word.
She hangs up the call with no one other than the guy I have been talking to the last few weeks. I mean I technically have only gone on two dates with the guy and never even considered sleeping with him, but still.
I see fucking red! My balled-up fists clench digging my nails into my palms, trembling with the need to obliterate her face.