Commando it is. It’s not the most scandalous thing ever, but it’s different. If anything, it feels quite fitting for what just happened out there. Not that I can find the words for what just happened in the confines of Cassian’s room, but the longer I linger in his bathroom, the harder it is to leave.
I healed him. I fuckinghealedhim. And then he fucked me like it was a goddamn omen, and I’m powerless to resist his hold.
His heated gaze, his soft touch, his fucking cloak. All of it. I succumbed to all of it, all while admitting there’s a part of me that wants to understand more about my wolf, more about me.
Using my magic, I fix my hair, making myself a little more presentable as I hear the guys talking on the other side of the door. Cassian at least had the decency to let me slink away in here, but I know he answered his door in just his boxers, confirming what was going on.
It shouldn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. But the blush continues to bloom on my cheeks nonetheless.
Taking a deep breath, I straighten my gray cloak and head for the door. As soon as I open it, four sets of eyes look my way.
Kryll sinks his teeth into his bottom lip. Raiden scowls at me with a heated twist to his stare, while Cassian grins with amusement. Brody, however, takes a step toward me, humor dancing in his eyes as he taps a finger against his chin.
“It smells like sex in here,” he declares, making the heat intensify on my cheeks, and Cassian scoffs.
“I wonder why?” he mumbles with a barely contained grin.
“I’m glad at least someone was having fun while we were fending off the professors,” Raiden grumbles, wiping a hand down his face as my eyebrows pinch in confusion. One quick glance at Cassian and I see the same look reflecting my own on his face.
“Why?” he asks, folding his arms over his chest, still in just his boxers.
“Because you knocked a girl out,” Raiden retorts with a pointed look.
My gut twists.
“I didn’t want to,” Cassian states with a shrug.
“We know that. Them? Not so much,” Kryll explains, an apologetic smile on his lips as his gaze swoops over me.
“Well fuck them,” Cassian grunts, waving his hand dismissively before slipping back into his clothes, unfazed as everyone watches him.
“I think you’ve done enough fucking,” Brody adds, a snicker on his tongue as he winks at me. I just shake my head at his antics.
“For real, though, they’re waiting to grill you,” Kryll comments, scrubbing at the back of his neck with a hint of nerves that leaves me confused.
“Of course they are,” Cassian snipes with a huff of irritation, but Raiden shakes his head, making everyone pause.
“No, not you, asshole…Addi.”
My spine stiffens as irritation creeps through my bones, leaving me to gape at him in a mixture of confusion and horror.What the fuck?
“What the fuck?” Cassian barks, mirroring my own thoughts as he takes a protective step toward me.
“This really shouldn’t shock me,” I murmur, pressing my fingers into my temples in a failed attempt at calming the raging headache that threatens to take over.
“That’s bullshit,” Cassian snaps, refusing to let it drop, but there’s no point. I have to assume this is Bozzelli’s doing, and when it comes to her, nothing surprises me. All of my troubles lead back to her.
“It’s life,” I state with a sigh, rolling my shoulders back as I take a step toward the door, but I don’t make it two strides before Cassian’s arm whips out, halting me in place.
“Well, I’m going instead.”
I shake my head at him, but before I can protest, Raiden speaks. “We thought you might say that.”
“No buts, where do I need to go?” Cassian interjects, cutting off my words as he glares down at me.
“Bozzelli,” Brody offers, and I shake my head. Again. These Kryptos are going to give me goddamn whiplash.