“Sharing is caring, Brody,” Raiden sings as someone trails their hand over my cheek, but I don’t have the energy to pry my eyes open to see who.
Instead, I embrace the ghost of a smile clinging to my lips as I pass out, completely content.
My lips purse as I run my hand over the material of my dress. “I don’t have a good feeling about this,” I admit, disappointed that releasing the words doesn’t ease the weight on my shoulders.
“About the dress? It’s gorgeous,” Flora states, frowning at me in the mirror, and I shake my head with a sigh.
I wish my worries were about the dress.
“No. The ball. Bozzelli has something up her sleeve. I can feel it,” I grumble, turning away from the mirror as I search for my shoes.
“Hmm. Maybe, or maybe she wanted a good time.” Her voice lilts higher than usual, attempting to have a positive outlook on the whole thing, but it’s bullshit and we both know it.
“That woman has never experienced a good time in her whole life. I don’t envision it happening now,” I say with a haunting snicker, and Flora nods.
“That’s true. Maybe we don’t go then,” she offers, and I shake my head.
“I wish, but being there is exactly what’s going to give us the information we need if she is actually up to something.”
“You’re too wise,” she says with a grin, tapping her chin. “But maybe if you weren’t there, she wouldn’t be up to anything because we both know if she is, it involves you.”
I hum in agreement. This damn ball has been weighing on us all week. Raiden feels it, Brody feels it, Cassian feels it, and Kryll feels it. Shit, even Flora and Arlo sense something. Especially after Kenner’s comments to Cassian when he took off to Janie’s.
A knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts and Arlo’s voice comes from the other side a moment later.
“Are you guys ready?”
“Ready as we’ll ever be,” Flora murmurs as I lace up my boots, opting to avoid any kind of heel, just in case.
One more glance in the mirror and I’m good to go. I’m slightly impressed. Since we weren’t able to leave campus, Flora worked her magic and dyed the dresses we wore last time. Now, I’m draped in black, and she’s rocking a forest green that makes her hair look deeper in color.
My hair is braided into a crown on my head like usual, which seems to accentuate the smoky eyes Flora did for me. I feel good, but ready for combat, just in case. At the thought, my magic coats my flesh, reminding me that we’re not restricted this time. Not like the last ball when I had the amethyst nestled between my shoulder blades.
Flora opens the door and I move to leave, but my feet freeze in place as I gape at what awaits me on the other side of the threshold.
My wolf comes into view first, his arms folded over his chest as his eyes rake over me from head to toe. He’s dressed in black, shirt, tie, and all, and he’s never looked so deadly. It’s sinful.
My mage grins from beside him. He wears a charcoal suit fitted perfectly, a pristine white shirt, and a matching tie. The tempting smirk on his lips is sent straight from the devil, a promise of mayhem in his eyes.
My dragon prince leans against the opposite wall, his black ink traveling over his neck and down beneath his white shirt. My mouth runs dry, appreciating the navy suit that molds to his muscles, and my thighs press together.
My vampire is last but certainly not least. His black-on-black suit matches Cassian’s, except for the blood-red tie that he wears. He flashes his teeth as he offers a rare smile and I feel like I’m about to melt on the spot.
“I think we could skip the ball and?—”
Brody’s husky words are cut off by Flora’s scoff as she steps over the threshold to where Arlo is waiting for her. “You wish. Her investigation mode has been activated. So, unfortunately for you, she’s focused.”
“You can focus on my dick instead if you like,” he offers with a wag of his brows, and I shake my head at him.
It’s tempting,reallytempting, but not when my gut tells me lives could be at stake. He rolls his eyes, not uttering a word as he offers me his hand, accepting Flora’s statement as we head down the hall. I can feel four sets of eyes on me, making my skin tingle.
I’m fucked.