Page 110 of The Hunt of Night

It’s all because of her.

The wolf girl taps out and Addi withdraws her magic, but all I can do is stare in awe at her.


I love her.

I fucking love her.

I’m so screwed, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

She’s the sharpest fucking dagger on campus. Screw that, she’s the sharpest fucking dagger in the kingdom.

And she’s allmine.



“Ithink that was the longest day of my life.”

Like, hands down. It’s gone on forever, and I’ve lived through some shit. One lesson fell into another, each one stretching out longer than the last, like a never-ending vortex hell-bent on melting my brain.

Bozzelli’s little announcement did nothing but piss me off. What’s the point in organizing a lockdown and arranging a ball for the week after? Those people we’re trying to keep out will be right back on campus in a flash. That’s probably her intention. I don’t think it was Bozzelli who pulled the trigger on the lockdown, especially when it’s to “keep us safe.” That’s not her usual approach. She probably likes all the death, it means less competition. Whoever called the order isn’t seeing eye-to-eye with her, which only reminds the bitch that she’s not as in charge as she likes to think she is.

“Imagine what the past few days were like when you weren’t here. It was even worse,” Raiden mumbles, his head downcast as we leave the main academy building. There’s something off with him. There’s something off with all of them—except Kryll—and I can’t help but worry that it relates back to me.

I was off with Kryll in the dragon kingdom, realizing how much I like them and how important they are to me, all while they were stuck at the academy, probably over all my drama and bullshit.

I internally roll my eyes at myself. Self-doubt doesn’t look good on me; it doesn’t feel good either, but I can’t deny that I’m out of my element with these guys.

“She’s not even sorry about it,” Brody sings, a grin spreading across his face as he winks at me.

“Of course, she’s not,” Cassian grumbles, jaw ticking as he stares straight ahead, and just when I start to talk myself out of the worry threatening to consume my thoughts, it’s back again.

“What’s everyone’s plan for the evening?” Kryll asks, and I release a breath.

“We’re doing thatnow?” I ask, peering at the four of them.

“Doing what?” Brody asks, eyes crinkling with curiosity.

“Making evening plans together?” My heart skips a beat, uncertainty tingling down my spine as time seems to come to a stop.

“I’ve been waiting forever for this,” Brody replies, hands raised high above his head as he tilts his face back and grins up at the sky.

“Count me out. I actually don’t feel the best. I’m exhausted,” Raiden states, turning to me. He offers me a timid smile as he presses a featherlight kiss to my cheek before strolling off without another word. I watch him head straight for the vampire building and my gut twists.

“What’s going on with him?” My chest tightens with worry, confusion rooting itself deep in my bones as I watch his every step. He’s not even using his vampire speed like usual.

“He’s weak. He has been since the night that frenzied fuck got ahold of him. It’s just progressively getting worse,” Brody admits, scrubbing the back of his neck.

“Weak?” The word feels foreign on my tongue, especially in relation to Raiden.

“The blood thing.” A memory of him bleeding out, his blood coating my fingers, flashes to the forefront of my mind, stealing my breath as I turn back to my vampire, earning one last glance at his back before he disappears around the corner.

“Oh…” I manage, at a complete loss. “Should I…”

Should I what? Fuck.