“Hey, are you okay? I saw you take off this morning and I was a little worried.” I pause my chewing to peer up at Flora, whose eyes dance with the same concern she speaks of. “I wasn’t purposely being nosey. I just saw you through my bedroom window,” she adds, and Arlo rolls his eyes beside her.
Finishing off the food in my mouth, I clear my throat. “I’m fine. I was just starving.”
She takes the seat across from me, Arlo taking his usual spot too. It feels weird sitting at this table when the assholes who continue to dominate my life aren’t here. I considered sitting elsewhere, but yet again, in the grand scheme of things, where I eat my food isn’t at the top of my priority list. I have enough drama. That won’t be added to it.
I’m sure they’ll make their appearance soon enough, though. The dining hall is starting to pick up.
“I didn’t see you for dinner last night,” Flora says, cutting into her pancakes, and I nod.
“Yeah, I slept through it.”
“Slept?” Arlo quizzes, brows knitted in confusion as he peers at me.
“I was exhausted,” I answer with a shrug, which only seems to intensify both of their stares.
“Does it have something to do with Bozzelli?”
I pause, fork halfway to my mouth as I look her straight in the eye.
“What makes you say that?” The words aren’t much more than a whisper. I feel like I can’t breathe.
She shrugs, but I can sense the worry in her tense shoulders. “She summoned you, and this is the first time I’ve seen you since.”
I consider that fact, recalling the moment the dean stormed in and ordered me to her office. There was no Professor Fairbourne this time. There was no buffer. But more than that, I realize I never actually got to have my lunch yesterday, so it’s been practically twenty-four hours since I last ate. No wonder my stomach feels like a bottomless pit this morning. I can’t stop eating. I won’t tell either of them that this is my second plate of food.
“You don’t have to answer, I just?—”
I wave her off, interrupting her unnecessary backtracking. “Oh, it definitely has something to do with her. I just can’t stop shoveling this food into my mouth,” I admit, repeating the motion with the fork loaded with egg and bacon.
“A girl after my own heart,” Arlo sings, hand on his chest, making me grin.
“A girl nowherenearyour heart.”
In slow motion, the three of us turn to see Raiden glaring down at Arlo like he’s about to rearrange his face. We definitely don’t need any additional issues today, so he can calm himself down real quick.
Brody taps the irritated vampire on the shoulder before taking his seat across the table from me. The rest of them movein silence, and a second later, I have Raiden on my left, Kryll on my right, and Cassian still giving me the silent treatment.
I frown at their lack of food trays, but not even ten seconds go by before plates are placed in front of them, piled high with food. I roll my eyes at the servers, who saunter off just as quickly as they came.
Of course they get their food served to them.
“Are you excited for ball prep this morning, Dagger?” Brody asks with a grin before he takes a bite of his breakfast.
I shake my head. “Nope.” ThePpops with way more sass than I expect, but I like it.
“Why?” His eyes narrow as he searches mine, but I turn my attention to Raiden. It’s like he knows exactly what I’m asking without me saying a word because he nods a moment later.
“The fact that you know what I’m dealing with should be answer enough,” I respond, earning a confused look from Flora.
“You’re right, it is, but ball prep isn’t physical. It’s all slow dances.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at me and I roll my eyes again. “Perfect. Has she been this grouchy the entire time?” he asks, peering at Flora beside him, who grins.
“She’s hungry. When a girl is hungry, she turns hangry real quick.”