“That’s true. I don’t have the same struggles with mind magic as my sister does.”
“Is it true? That royal fae have a stronger and weaker ability among them all?”
I nod. “Yes,” I confirm, acutely aware of the fact that I’m talking about my sister, and revealing her strength, but I can’t seem to stop. “Her strength is unreal. Actually, when she’s struggling to ‘scratch the itch’, as you put it, she has an orb. I’ll find out how we can get our hands on one, but it’s really good for her when she feels like she can’t expel her magic,” I rattle off, a warmth growing in my chest with the fact that I can be of use.
“That would be amazing, thanks, Addi.”
“No problem. Now, I better take care of this rose,” I mutter, looking down at the crimson petals. I need to go before I continue talking about things that I shouldn’t.
Smiling, I step into my room and let the door click shut behind me. The second I do, my chest swirls, irritation zapping through my veins. The possibility of sand has my fire magic ablaze.
Pressing my lips together, I lean back against the door and peer at the roses I’m continuing to acquire.
I guess it wouldn’t be too bad if I paid a visit to the mage building.
Someone kill me now. Slay me dead. I’m done with this man’s lecture.
“Are you even listening, Brody?” My father’s condescending tone grows tiresome through my cell phone.
He sighs, his irritation palpable even though he’s not standing in front of me. It makes no difference with this man. He’s a member of The Council, and that doesn’t change when he’s at home or speaking with people outside of that capacity. He’s business, through and through. No exceptions.
“I think we’re done,” he mutters, and I scoff.
“I already thought we were.”
Another sigh. Another gold star on my chart for being an upstanding son.
“You know, Brody, one day you’ll wish you had listened to the wealth of knowledge I have to offer.”
A wealth of knowledge. Fuck off. I can picture him now, bushy eyebrows gathered as his lips mush together, disappointment oozing from him. His so-calledwealth of knowledgehas made him nothing but predictable. Which is why I know exactly what to say and do to make him fuck off.
“And maybe one day you will actually hear me when I speak. The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.”
I can envision his nostrils flaring as he heaves yet another sigh. “I’m not discussing this with you again, Brody. It’s final. It’s irrelevant what you think or feel. Some decisions are greater than you. That’s life.”
My chest squeezes in the grasp of an unrelenting vice as anger thrums through my bones. “But?—”
“Enough. I have to go. I have another call.”
“Of course you do,” I snap, but the call is already over.
Discarding my cell phone on the bed beside me, I brace my elbows on my knees and shield my face in my hands as I take a few pointless deep breaths. My head pounds as I feel my pulse throbbing with my increased heart rate. Despite how familiar I am with this man, he still affects me in every way I despise.
His ability to get under my skin is a trait I know I got directly from him, and I hate to admit that I truly dislike being on the other end of it.
Not that I’ll learn my lesson. I never do.
Sighing, I sit tall, rubbing my palms over my thighs before focusing on the window. The late afternoon sun peeks through the glass, cascading over my room with a kiss of bliss that I wish I could absorb.
It helps to soothe me. The sun is always a beacon for my calmness and joy, especially after I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with my father.
“You can’t go in there. I said you can’t go in there!”