Page 122 of The Reign of Blood

“You were acting strange before you came to me, Raiden,” his mother states, lacing her fingers together as she gives him a disappointed look.

“What does that mean?” he retorts with a sigh, and she shrugs.

“It means I’ve been taking precautions for a while.”

“Again, you’re talking in circles instead of getting to the point,” he snaps, losing his cool, which only plays into their hands.

“Did the stalker ever realize he had one of his own?” she asks, cocking her head to the side, and my heart seizes in my chest.

No. No. No. No. No.

“What?” he asks, head rearing back in confusion, but my gut already knows.

“You’ve been following him,” I breathe, nausea burning the back of my throat.

“Not me personally, that’s beneath me, but he’s had someone on his tail, yes.” She answers me so effortlessly, but the glint in her eyes confirms my suspicions.

I think I’m going to be sick.

This is worse than any pain from the amethyst or the vampire bite.

“Did you have a good time on my compound last night?” Kenner asks, pulling my attention from Professor Holloway, and I gape at him. “Because while you were there, I was a little busy myself.”

The sound of a girl crying out echoes across the room as a set of doors open, and my heart sinks.

“Nora!” I yell, taking a step toward her, but Kenner lifts his hand in warning, halting me in place.

“Now, now,” he teases with a wicked grin on his face, and my blood runs cold.

“Where’s my father?”

“Let’s worry about one family member at a time, shall we?” he retorts, and my gaze settles on Nora, who is pushed into the room in her chair, but one of the wheels is broken and she looks completely disheveled.

“Let her go,” Nora snarls, staring at me with distraught tears trickling down her face.

“Nora,” I rasp, my heart aching.

“I’m okay, Addi. I’m okay,” she promises, but it does nothing to calm the storm brewing inside of me.

“What is it you want?” I don’t turn my eyes from my sister, but they know it’s them I’m speaking to.

“Want?” Councilman Orenda asks innocently, and I scoff.

“Well, of course. That’s what all of this is about. Get to it,” I snap, clenching my hands at my sides.

“The magic only works when combining abilities from all supernaturals,” Professor Holloway explains. “Wolves, vampires, shifters, mages, and fae.”

“And?” I push, wanting to hear them say it.

“And that means Vallie is no longer suitable for the position,” Kenner finishes, making my muscles bunch in discomfort.

“So you think I am?”

“Actually, we’re still a little unsure,” Kenner retorts, pulling my gaze to him.

“How’s that?”

“Since you’re a half-breed, we can’t fully confirm if you have enough fae magic in your veins to make it work, but you’re a sacrifice we’re willing to take.”