Page 94 of Open Season

“You’ll do no such thing!”

“Then we’ll close the door and let him play on the floor.” He suited action to words and decided the sacrifice of a shirt was worth it for the peace. He dropped the shirt, and Midas pounced on it.

Daisy immediately leaned down to take it away from him, but Jack stopped her and efficiently stripped her out of her robe and panties, then bundled her into the tub. He shucked off the rest of his clothes and let them drop, too. Let Midas have a field day.

He got into the tub with her and turned on the water, then when it was hot, turned on the shower, shielding her with his body until the initial icy blast turned warm. As he lifted her, she put both arms around his neck, her expression serious. “Could we start trying right away?”

Maybe he was too tired to think clearly, or maybe he just had other things on his mind. “Trying what?”

“To have a baby,” she said, exasperated, then gasped as he slipped into her. Her gaze immediately unfocused and her head drooped back as if it were suddenly too heavy for her neck.

“Sweetheart,” he promised, “you’ll never have to buy another PartyPak.”