Page 80 of Open Season

She had no mercy, not that he asked for any. She tasted and licked and stroked until his powerful body was drawn like a bow, arching on the bed. Then she stopped, sat back, and said, “I think that’s enough.”

An almost inhuman sound rumbled in his chest and he jackknifed, grabbing her and twisting and coming down on top of her. She laughed as he fiercely stripped her panties down and pushed her legs apart, settling between them and positioning himself for the strong, single thrust that took him to the hilt and changed her laughter to a groan. She drew her legs up, clasping them around his hips, trying to contain both the depth of his strokes and the wildness of her response. She wanted to savor every moment, not rush headlong into climax, but already she could feel the tension building.

He stopped, his muscles flexing with tension. “Fuck,” he said between gritted teeth. “I don’t have a condom.”

Their eyes met, his narrowed with the savagery of the control he was trying to retain over his body, hers wide with sudden awareness.

His hips rocked as if he couldn’t hold still another moment. “Do you want me to stop?” His face was grim with the effort it took him to make the offer. Sweat gleamed on his forehead and shoulders, despite the air conditioner blowing directly on the bed.

Common sense said yes. A lifetime of responsible behavior said yes. They shouldn’t take the risk, or any more risk than they already had just in his unprotected penetration. Some deep, primitive instinct, however, craved the feel of him inside her, and her lips moved, forming the word No.

His control broke, and he began thrusting deep and hard, over and over, and what had begun as simple pleasure became something more, something wrenching and powerful. Daisy clung to him because she could do nothing else, because with that one word she had demanded everything he could give her and could hold back none of herself. She arched in climax, her heels digging into his thighs, the shuddering starting deep and spreading out in convulsive waves. For a long moment she stopped breathing, stopped thinking, caught on a peak of sensation so sharp it blurred the world around her. Then it faded and slowly she went limp, muscle by muscle, legs and arms falling open and releasing him to move fast and strong in his own orgasm.

His heavy weight crushed her into the mattress, but she couldn’t find either the strength or the will to protest. He was utterly limp, his heartbeat slamming against his rib cage, his breath rushing in and out of his heaving lungs. Maybe they dozed; time certainly seemed to disappear.

After a while, groaning with the effort, he withdrew and moved off her to lie on his side and hold her close. Daisy buried her face against his throat, acutely aware of the wetness between her legs. This could be a disaster. But it didn’t feel like a disaster; it felt. . . right.

Gently he stroked her. She tried to think of something to say, but there didn’t seem to be anything to say, nothing that needed saying. All she needed to do was come to terms with what lay between them, a sudden awareness that this was much more than an affair.

It couldn’t be. Could it?

“God, I’ve got to get back to the office,” he muttered. “I can’t believe I let myself get sidetracked like this.”

“I’m sure five minutes one way or another won’t make much difference,” she consoled.

He opened one eye and glared at her. “Five minutes? I beg your pardon. I’ve been better than five minutes since I was sixteen.”

She twisted around to look at the clock on the bed-side table. The problem was, she didn’t know if they had dozed, or for how long. She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. “Then I’m sure an hour one way or another—”

“An hour! Shit!”

He bolted out of bed and went into the bathroom. She heard the sound of water running, the toilet flushed, then he came back out and went to the foot of the bed, where he’d left his clothes on the floor. He looked down and froze.

Alarmed by his expression, Daisy struggled up on her elbows.

He looked up then, and in a very even tone said, “Your dog ate my shorts.”

She tried not to laugh; she really did. She managed to hold it in for about one second; then giggles started shaking her like little earthquakes. Once one erupted, they immediately morphed into a belly laugh that rolled her onto her side, holding her stomach as if she could contain them that way.

He bent down and picked up the puppy, holding him at eye level. It was impossible to deny Midas’s guilt, because shreds of the dark green boxers were hanging from his mouth. He seemed very happy about it, too, wagging his tail at a frantic beat, paddling his feet as he tried to get within licking distance.

Jack said, “Fuzzbutt, you’re a pain in the ass.” But he said it in an almost crooning tone, and he cuddled the puppy to him as he removed the shreds from the little mouth.

Daisy looked at the fuzzy puppy and the big, naked man holding him so gently, and she thought her heart would leap right out of her chest. She had already been halfway there, but in that moment she fell completely, irrevocably in love.

No, this wasn’t an affair, at least not on her part. It was much, much more.

He put Midas on the bed, leaving Daisy to deal with the puppy while he got dressed. As she fended off big feet and a madly licking tongue, Daisy watched the jeans slide up over his naked butt and had some very lascivious thoughts.

When he was dressed, he leaned over her and kissed her, and the kiss became longer and deeper than either of them had intended. Spots of color burned high on his cheekbones when he pulled back, and his eyes were narrowed again. “You’re dangerous,” he muttered.

“All I’m doing is lying here.” She caught Midas as he began pulling on the bedspread, told him no, and removed the fabric from his mouth.

“That’s what I said. A naked woman and a fuzzy puppy: what more can a man want? Well, maybe a beer. And a good ball game on the tube. And—”

She grabbed one of the pillows and threw it at him. “Go!”

“I’m going. Remember, don’t open the door—”