He’s not the one who caught you, Mia.
But somehow, his part in our betrayal feels infinitely worse than everything else. The memory of his lips on mine makes me want to scream. I scrub at my mouth furiously, as if I could erase the lingering sensation.
Confusion swirls through me, leaving me dizzy and disoriented. Why did he kiss me? Why am I now trapped in his quarters? Nothing makes sense anymore, and I don’t know what to believe.
I press my face into a cushion, muffling a sob that tears from my throat. The scent of Soren lingers somewhere close, and I recoil, sitting up abruptly.
I take a shaky breath. “Never again,” I whisper fiercely to myself. “I won’t let him fool me again. I don’t care what I felt when he kissed me. It wasn’t real. None of it was real.”
I squeeze my eyes shut, willing away the unwanted spark of desire that flares at the memory. It doesn’t matter that my body betrayed me. My mind is made up. Soren is the enemy, a murderer, and I will never let him get close to me again.
Chapter 24
“Exactly how long isthis thing going to go on, Maxwell?” I voice the question that’s been plaguing me with more and more frequency lately. I’m not used to being so blunt with my maker, but this latest development has pushed me over the edge.
“Until I say that it’s over.” Maxwell doesn’t show a hint of remorse; simply swirls the contents of his wineglass and settles deeper into the armchair in his study. “But for now, assume that it is an indefinite assignment.”
I huff out an exasperated breath. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Maxwell raises an eyebrow. He doesn’t need to say the words, but we both know that he’s not the type to kid about anything.
“Well, if you’re not going to tell me when it will end, at least tell me why I’m doing this, dammit. I’ve been stuck in that place for the better part of a year.”
“We’ve gone over this before, Soren. I’ve told you all that I can tell you.”
I clench my jaw, frustration building. “Maxwell, I’ve given up everything for this assignment. My home, my business interests, any semblance of a normal life. I’ve been loyal to you for centuries. Don’t I deserve some explanation?”
Maxwell’s silver eyes glitter before his expression hardens again. “Your loyalty has always been appreciated, Soren. But this situation is…complex.”
“Complex?” I scoff. “I’m holding witches captive, draining their blood. We’re violating every treaty we’ve established with their kind over the past century. And for what?”
“For the greater good of our people,” Maxwell says, his voice low and intense. “There are forces at work here that you don’t yet understand.”
For fuck’s sake! There’s that line again.
I take in a slow, steadying breath. My patience is wearing thin, and I don’t want it to peel out as an angry outburst. “Then help me understand. What could possibly justify this?” I’m amazed at how calm I sound.
Maxwell sighs, sagging back into his overstuffed chair. “There’s a purpose to all of this, Soren. A purpose that goes beyond simple blood harvesting or power plays.”
“What purpose?” I press.
“I can’t reveal everything yet,” Maxwell says, frustratingly vague. “But know that what we’re doing…it could change the future of vampire-kind forever.”
I shake my head, unconvinced. “That’s not good enough, Maxwell. Not anymore. Besides, are you really expecting me to stay in that place for the rest of my days?”
“Of course not,” he snaps. “Those witches will be long gone before you’ve even lived through a fraction of your lifespan. They’re mortal, remember. Little more than brief interludes in the greater scheme of things.” He’s silent for a moment before going on, “Which is why it is never a good idea to get too…attached to one of them.”
I narrow my eyes on him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” As I say the words, I remember how Mia’s lips tasted, the feeling of her body pressed against mine, and I’m certain it must be written all over my face.
“Take it however you wish.” He crosses one leg over the other and observes me over steepled fingers. I shift in my seat. This is moving into dangerous territory. “I care for you, Soren,” he says. “You were among my first children, and if I am to be honest, you have always been my favored son.”
“Then why the hell are you doing this, dammit?” My previous facade of calm is beginning to evaporate. “You know that it goes against my moral code. You know my history with…” I trail off, not wanting to go down that particular rabbit hole.
“Yes, I do. And that’s why I chose you. Because you, of all people, would know how to handle this the right way.”