Page 63 of Blood Caged

Finally, after what must be several hundred feet of trudging through the undergrowth, I spot a break in the trees ahead. My heart leaps.

“There!” I point, quickening my pace.

We burst out of the treeline, and there it is – the outer wall. It looms before us, impossibly high and topped with cruel-looking razor wire. My eyes scan frantically for the access gate Jemma mentioned.

That’s when I hear it. A shrill, piercing wail cuts through the air, making us all flinch.

“The alarm,” Sabine hisses. “They know we’re gone.”

Distant shouts reach us from the direction of the garden.

“We need to move now!” I urge, desperation clawing at my insides. We’re so close, we can’t fail now.

I sprint along the wall, my heart thundering in my ears. Sabine and Jemma are right behind me. My eyes scan frantically for any sign of the gate Jemma mentioned.

“There!” Jemma gasps, pointing ahead.

Relief floods through me as I spot it – a small, unassuming metal door set into the imposing wall. We skid to a stop in front of it, and I immediately press my hands against the cool surface, feeling for the lock.

“Hurry,” Sabine urges, glancing back the way we came.

I close my eyes, reaching deep within myself for the magic I’ve been slowly nurturing these past months. It rises to meet me, a warm, familiar presence. I focus it on the lock, willing it to open.

For a heart-stopping moment, nothing happens. Then I feel a subtle shift, and the lock clicks open.

“You did it!” Jemma exclaims.

We don’t waste another second. I yank the door open, and we burst through, tumbling out onto the other side. Freedom is so close I can taste it.

But as I look up, my blood turns to ice in my veins. There, standing before us with a smirk on his face, is Heath.

“Ladies,” he drawls, “going somewhere?”

My mind reels. How did he know? How could he possibly be here, waiting for us?

We’re so close to freedom, and yet so far. The bitter taste of defeat fills my mouth as I stare at the traitor before us, my hopes of escape crumbling to dust.

I watch in horror as Heath’s smirk widens, his eyes gleaming with malicious triumph. Before I can even think to react, figures emerge from behind him. Witches, their faces cold and unfamiliar, move to surround us.

“No!” I scream, desperation clawing at my chest. I lunge forward, magic crackling at my fingertips, but it’s too late.

Rough hands grab me, yanking my arms behind my back. I hear Sabine and Jemma cry out as they’re seized, too. We struggle fiercely, but it’s no use. These witches are at full strength, while we’re weakened from months of captivity.

“Did you really think it would be that easy?” Heath sneers, sauntering closer. “I’ve been watching you for weeks, waiting for you to make your move.”

I spit at his feet, earning myself a sharp slap across the face. The taste of blood fills my mouth as we’re dragged back toward the facility.

“You’re a traitor to your own kind!” Sabine snarls at Heath as we’re marched along.

He just laughs. “Oh, you have no idea what’s really going on here. But don’t worry, you will soon enough.”

The journey back feels infinitely longer than our dash for freedom. By the time we reach the main building, my arms achefrom being wrenched behind me, and my cheek throbs where I was struck.

We’re hauled through corridors I’ve never seen before, descending deeper into the bowels of the facility. The air grows dank and musty, and I can hear the faint sound of dripping water.

Finally, we’re shoved into a poorly lit cell. The stench of mold and decay assaults my nostrils, making me gag. Heavy chains rattle as they’re fastened around our wrists and ankles, securing us to the grimy stone walls.

“Enjoy your new accommodations,” Heath says, his voice laced with mock concern. “I’m sure you’ll find them much more…motivating than your previous quarters.” He starts to turn away.