“Lord Marlowe’s,” Grayson confirms. “The order came directly from him.”
I nod slowly, processing this information. It confirms what I overheard. And I know I can’t wait any longer.
I leave Grayson’s office, my mind racing. “Good work on the security measures,” I tell him as I exit, maintaining the facade of the dutiful commander. But inside, I’m seething. Lucien’s plans for Mia have accelerated everything. I need to get her out, and fast.
As I stride down the corridor, I begin to formulate a plan. The window of opportunity is narrow, but it’s there. I just need to be smart about this.
First, I need allies. I can’t do this alone, not without raising suspicion. My thoughts turn to Dr. Chen. She’s shown compassion for the witches before, and she has access to areas of the facility that others don’t. Plus, her medical expertise could be crucial if things go sideways.
Resources are trickier. I can’t requisition anything unusual without drawing attention. But I do have access to the facility’s vehicles. A nondescript van, perhaps? Something that won’t raise eyebrows if it’s seen leaving in the middle of the night.
I also need to consider the magical suppression fields. They’re the biggest obstacle to Mia’s escape. But if I can get a chance to “recalibrate” them under the guise of strengthening security, we might be able to create a brief window where Mia’s powers aren’t completely nullified.
It’s risky. Every step of this plan could backfire spectacularly. But as I think of Mia, of the threat hanging over her head, I know I have no choice. I have to try.
But another obstacle is beginning to become more pressing. As I run over the details of Mia’s escape plan, the pain begins.It starts as a dull ache in my chest, but it intensifies, spreading through my body like liquid fire. I grit my teeth, forcing myself to focus on the task at hand.
But the bond won’t be ignored. It claws at my insides, demanding obedience. I close my eyes, memories flooding back unbidden.
It was 1743. I had defied Maxwell’s direct order to eliminate a rival vampire clan. My refusal had seemed noble at the time – I saw no honor in slaughtering potential allies. But the consequences…
I shudder, recalling the agony that followed. For days, I writhed in torment, my body rebelling against me. Maxwell’s disappointment cut deeper than any physical pain. “You must learn, Soren,” he had said, his voice cold. “Disobedience has a price.”
Now, centuries later, I’m willingly stepping into that fire again. For Mia.
The thought of her steadies me, even as another wave of pain washes over me. What am I doing? Everything I’ve believed, everything I’ve been for centuries, I’m throwing away. For a witch. For an enemy.
But is she really the enemy? The line I once thought so clear has blurred beyond recognition. Mia’s strength, her compassion, her unwavering spirit in the face of captivity – they’ve awakened something in me.
I press my palms against my eyes, conflicted. Am I betraying my kind? Or am I finally, after all these years, doing what’s right?
With each detail that I cement in place in my mind, the bond screams in protest. But beneath the pain, there’s a certainty I can’t ignore. Mia has changed me…permanently. And I’m willing to suffer for her.
As the evening progresses, I go about my regular duties, as well as the new ones. The influx of new security personnel is impossible to miss – Lucien’s personal team, their movements crisp and coordinated. And then there are the witches, Heath’s collaborators. Their presence sets my teeth on edge.
As I double-check the reinforced locks on the containment cells, I strain my enhanced hearing to catch snippets of conversation. Every piece of information could be crucial.
“…new arrival expected within 48 hours,” one of Lucien’s men mutters.
“Heath says she’s powerful,” another replies. “More than the one we’ve got now.”
I clench my jaw, knowing they’re talking about Rowan. About Mia’s sister.
I make my way to the control room, nodding curtly to the new faces. As I review the security footage, my mind races, weighing the risks of what I’m planning against the consequences of doing nothing.
If I help Mia escape, I’ll be defying not just Lucien but Maxwell himself. The pain of breaking the blood bond will be excruciating, potentially incapacitating. And that’s assuming I survive the wrath of my fellow vampires.
But if I do nothing… I see Mia’s face in my mind, her green eyes dulling as Lucien carries out his cold sentence. I imagine Rowan brought in, subjected to the same cruel treatment.
No. Not going to happen.
I realize, with a jolt of clarity, that I’ve already made my decision. The risks don’t matter. I can’t let Mia die. I can’t let her sister suffer the same fate. I have to act.
I stand in the shadows of the facility’s parking garage, my enhanced vision piercing the darkness. The pain in my chest is a constant, burning reminder of my betrayal, but I push it aside.
I approach a nondescript van, running my hand along its cool metal surface. This will be our escape vehicle. I’ve already disabled the GPS tracker and ensured that it has a full tank of gas. It’s not much, but it’s a start.
As I turn to head back inside, a flash of movement catches my eye. One of Lucien’s new guards, patrolling an area that should be empty at this hour. I freeze, watching as he taps a code into a hidden panel on the wall. A section of concrete slides away, revealing a state-of-the-art security hub I had no knowledge of.