I was desperate. That’s all it was.
But if I’m honest with myself, it was more than that. I think back to yesterday when I was plastered against him, burning with need. I’ve never responded to a man the way I wanted him. Even though it’s all wrong. I should despise him. Ididdespise him…until just minutes ago.
He didn’t kill them.
I still can’t believe that Sabine and Jemma are alive. I’d been so certain he’d done as Lucien instructed.
Maybe he did. Maybe he’s lying.
Maybe this is all an elaborate trap.
But to what end? Why play games like that with me?
Then again, if he’s working with Heath, cruel games might be right up his alley. Somehow, I doubt it, though. It’s clear he hates the guy. So do I now. We grew up together; I’m pretty sure Rowan had a crush on him…so did most of the other girls we grew up with.
It occurs to me that I’ve been sitting here, staring at him for too long.
I clear my throat, breaking the awkward silence that’s fallen between us. “Why?” I ask. “Why are you willing to help now, when you’ve done everything they’ve asked for so long?”
Soren’s eyes meet mine, and for a moment, I see a flicker of something before his expression smooths over. He takes a deep breath as if steeling himself for what he’s about to say.
“It’s…complicated,” he begins. “I’m bound by my maker’s bond. I have to do what I’m told.”
I frown, not fully understanding. “What does that mean?”
He hesitates, and I can see him choosing his words carefully. “When a vampire turns someone, it creates a bond. The maker can compel their progeny to obey. Disobedience…it has consequences.”
The way he says “consequences” lifts the tiny hairs on my skin. There’s clearly more to it than he’s letting on, but I don’t press. The haunted look in his eyes tells me enough.
“So, you’ve been forced to do all this?” I ask, trying to wrap my head around it.
Soren nods slowly. “In a way, yes. But it’s more complex than that. There are…politics involved. Alliances. Things I can’t fully explain…largely because I don’t know much myself.”
I get the distinct impression that he’s only scratching the surface of a much deeper, more intricate situation. Part of me wants to demand more answers, but another part recognizes the danger in knowing too much.
“And now?” I press. “What’s changed?”
“It’s just too much, Mia.” His eyes lock with mine. “What they’re asking of me… The kidnappings, the deaths. It’s getting out of hand.”
“So…so you can just ignore the bond when it suits you?”
He gives a laugh. There’s no mirth in it. “Hardly,” he says. “But that’s not important now.”
Somehow, I sense that it is. I get the feeling that it’s all-important, this thing that has forced a man to go against his principles to obey his maker. But I don’t ask for more of an explanation. I know he’s not likely to say more. And there are other things to worry about now.
I take a deep breath, trying to calm my turbulent thoughts. “How are you going to help?” I ask. “What can we possibly do?”
Soren’s eyes meet mine, a determined glint in them. “I’ll start by trying to find out when they’re planning to bring Rowan in. It will give us an idea of how much time we have.”
I nod, a small spark of hope igniting in my chest. “Okay. That’s…that’s a start. But how? Won’t they be suspicious if you start asking questions?”
“It’s the kind of information I’d need to do my job, so requesting more details would be expected. And I can access certain areas without raising too many eyebrows.”
As he speaks, I can’t help but notice the tension in his shoulders, the way his eyes dart to the door every few seconds. It’s a constant reminder of the danger we’re in, of how precarious this whole situation is.
“What about the security systems?” I ask, remembering the countless cameras and guards I’ve seen during my time here. “And the other vampires? Lucien? Heath?” Each name sends a chill over my skin.
Soren’s jaw tightens. “Those will be…challenges. We’ll need to be careful, plan every move. One wrong step and…” He doesn’tfinish the sentence, but he doesn’t need to. We both know what’s at stake.