Heath leans forward, his eyes glinting with malice. “Indeed. While Soren here paints a rosy picture, the reality is far different. The witches are growing complacent, even rebellious. This…coddling…is making them soft, reducing the potency of their blood.”
“That’s absurd,” I snap, my carefully maintained composure slipping. “The data clearly shows—”
“Data can be manipulated,” Heath interrupts. “I’ve seen it with my own eyes. The witches are regaining their strength, and it’s only a matter of time before they attempt an escape.”
“That’s bullshit,” I say, my voice low and controlled. “The changes we’ve implemented have improved efficiency and sustainability. Treating the witches with a modicum of respect doesn’t equate to weakness.”
Heath scoffs. “You don’t know how these people think, vampire.”
I aim an icy stare at him. “And you do. Because you’re one of them…witch.”
His eyes narrow. “I operate on an entirely different level.”
“Oh, I can believe that. A level several rungs below pond scum.”
Heath’s breath hisses sharply. He turns to Maxwell. “I knew this would be a fuck-up. When Lucien told me you were bringing Daire into the picture, I warned him that it would be a problem. And it has already begun. You can’t keep your dog on his leash.”
Maxwell steeples his fingers and surveys me coolly. “Should I be worrying about your commitment, Soren?” he asks.
I feel myself bristle. “Maxwell, I’ve given everything to this operation. I left my home, abandoned personal obligations, all at your request. I’ve done everything you asked.”
“True.” He nods. “But you had little choice.”
He doesn’t need to remind me. I feel the pressure of the maker’s bond every waking moment. It’s almost become a part of me now.
“All the more reason to trust me,” I say. “The maker’s bond is simple to understand. Unlike whatever agenda drives this…creature.” I flick a hand in Heath’s direction.
“How dare—?” Heath begins, but Maxwell cuts him off.
“Let him speak,” he tells him.
I lean forward. “The changes I’ve implemented are solely for the efficiency of our operation. Treating the witches like cattle was unsustainable. The facility had been losing them before I gotthere.” I pause to let the weight of that sink in. “Lucien’s solution was to go out and abduct more. That’s dangerous to our kind.”
Because our laws forbid it…and vampire attacks bring the wrong kind of attention. And it’s wrong on every level. Fuck, I hate being part of this.
“You think you have a solution.” Maxwell looks at me.
“It’s not a solution, but it reduces the risks. This new approach ensures a steady supply without compromising goals.”
Heath scoffs, but I ignore him, focusing on Maxwell. “I assure you, this isn’t about sympathy. It’s about long-term strategy.”
“Strategy?” Heath interjects. “You’re playing right into their hands, vampire. These aren’t helpless humans you’re dealing with.”
I turn to face him, my patience wearing thin. “No, they’re not human, but there’s no discernible difference between them and ordinary people. Mainstream human culture hasn’t embraced the existence of witches. If we’re caught abducting them, the humans are going to think that vampires are targeting their kind.”
Heath shrugs. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Are you really that dense, Moonshadow?” I force my temper down. “We’ve spent decades integrating into the human world. We can’t jeopardize that for…for…” I search for words. “For whatever the fuck Lucien is doing here.” I look at Maxwell as I say it, but he doesn’t take the opportunity to enlighten me. I’m guessing he won’t, if he can help it.
“And how are things with the Blackwood woman?” Maxwell changes the subject.
“She has been…cooperative,” I say carefully. “She’s responded well to the new protocols. There have been no incidents of rebellion since we implemented the changes.”
Heath scoffs, leaning forward in his chair. “You can’t be serious. A ruse, that’s all this is. She’s evil.”
I clench my jaw, resisting the urge to snap at him. At no point have I seen even a hint of evil in the woman. Unlike this asshole beside me.
“The Blackwood bloodline is one of the most powerful in existence,” Heath continues. “She’s not cooperating, she’s plotting. Mark my words, she’s finding ways to escape as we speak. And when she does, she’ll destroy everyone in her path.”