Page 3 of Blood Caged

As I turn my attention back to my sisters, my gaze sweeps across the counter. Kyle, our usually chatty barista, stands rigidly behind the espresso machine. His eyes are fixed on our table with an intensity that makes me uneasy. When he notices me looking, he quickly averts his gaze, busying himself with wiping down an already spotless surface.


But before I can dwell on it further, Kara’s voice pulls me back to the conversation.

“Hey, Mia,” she says, waving a hand in front of my face. “You still with us?”

I push my lingering doubts aside, focusing on my sisters’ faces. “Sorry, just got lost in thought for a second. Now, where were we with those self-refilling champagne glasses?”

“I’m still not sure about that.” Rowan grimaces. “Remember how Gran ended up dancing on the table at that last coven meeting?”

Kara gives a snort that almost sends tea out of her nose. “Oh, God! I had to get her home that night. And she sang with her head out the window the whole way.”

“You’d never think she was a coven elder,” Rowan mumbles.

“Oh, go on, Gran’s allowed to let her hair down from time to time.” Kara grins back.

I lean back in my chair, savoring the last sip of my tea. The warmth of our shared laughter lingers, but I can’t shake the nagging feeling that something’s off. Rowan’s fidgeting again, removing her eyeglasses and polishing the lenses, which I’m pretty sure are clean.

“Hey, Ro,” I say softly, worrying that she’s still mulling over our little confrontation. “Something on your mind?”

She hesitates, biting her lower lip. “Have you two felt anything…odd lately? Like a strange energy around town?”

Kara pulls a face. “Probably just the upcoming full moon stirring things up.”

I turn back to Rowan. “What kind of energy, exactly?”

Rowan shrugs, her gaze darting around the café. “It’s hard to explain. Just…unsettling. Like something’s out of balance.”

I nod slowly, considering her words. “It’s important to stay vigilant. I’ll talk to Gran about reinforcing the wards.”

Kara sighs. “You two are such worry warts. But I suppose a little extra protection never hurts.”

“Speaking of Gran…again,” I say, struck by an idea. “Why don’t we head over to her place tomorrow? We can gather supplies for the party and finalize our plans.”

Rowan’s face brightens. “That’s perfect! Gran always knows how to make things special.”

Kara nods in agreement. “Plus, her garden will be in full bloom. We might find some inspiration there.”

As we call for the check, I can’t help but feel a surge of love for my sisters. Despite our differences, we always come together when it matters most.

I gather my things, slipping my phone into my purse and shrugging on my jacket. The earlier tension still hangs in the air, a reminder of my thoughtless words. Rowan fusses with her scarf, avoiding eye contact.

“Hey, Ro,” I say softly, touching her arm. “Call me if you want to practice those enchantments, okay? No pressure.”

She looks up, a small smile tugging at her lips. “Thanks, Mia. I’ll think about it.”

As Rowan heads out, her shoulders still slightly hunched, I feel a pang of guilt. I shouldn’t have pushed her so hard. Before I can dwell on it further, Kara pulls me aside, her voice low.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself,” she murmurs. “Ro’s been really sensitive about her magic lately. I think she’s been struggling more than she lets on.”

I sigh. “I know. I shouldn’t have been so shitty to her. I’ll call her later to apologize properly.”

Kara nods, giving my arm a squeeze before heading out herself. I linger for a moment, gathering my thoughts. The café feels different now, the earlier warmth dissipating with my sisters’ departures.

I step outside, pulling my sweater tighter around me as the cool evening air hits my skin. My mind races, replaying the conversation with Rowan. I’d meant to be encouraging, but my words had come out all wrong. How could I have been so insensitive?

The sidewalk bustles with evening foot traffic, but I barely notice. I’m too caught up in my own thoughts, torn between frustration at Rowan’s reluctance to push herself and guilt over my harsh reaction. Maybe Kara’s right – maybe there’s more going on with Ro than I realized. But through it all, I still can’t shake that feeling of being watched. I scan the bustling street, searching for anything out of place.