He nodded. “You said you always wanted to go.”

My heart slammed against my chest. “You remembered.” Each day Alex showed me in another way just how good and sweet he was, how much I meant to him.

“Of course I did. And I even planned some things for us to do outside the bedroom.”

My forehead fell against his chest. “SCUBA sex is still sex.”

“I hadn’t thought of that, but now I won’t be able to think of anything but that until we do it.”

Another laugh fell from my lips. “We’ll see.” I leaned forward and kissed him softly. “I love you, Alex Witter.”

“I love you more, Sasha Witter. The day you showed up on my doorstep was the best day of my fucking life.”

“How much longer until we land?” I was already on my knees and moving over his body.

“Couple hours, maybe. Why?”

“Because,” I nipped his ear. “You’ve had a long season. Worked hard. Now it’s time for me to be a good wife and take care of you.”

That’s exactly what I did for the rest of the flight.

After that flight, I knew I would never look at coconut pineapple margaritas the same ever again.

Chapter 33

Epilogue 2

Sasha ~ 2 years later

“Mommy!” Dixie rushed across the room with a wide smile on her face, her gait stilted but steady. She stopped in front of me and held out a cookie she’d pilfered from the table of goodies set up against one wall. “Cookie?”

I smiled and picked her up before taking a small bite with wide eyes. “Delicious.”

“Good,” she agreed and put her hand on my swollen belly. “Baby cookie?”

“The baby eats what I eat, remember?” I swear this little girl was going to be the reason I gained fifty pounds before her little brother arrived in our lives.

“Baby cookie,” she said again and pressed the cookie to my lips.

The lights dimmed and the music began, a sign that the game was about to start. “Ready to watch Daddy work?”

“Daddy?” Dixie had become the definition of a daddy’s girl. She rushed to the door to greet Alex the minute he walked in, talked his ear off and became his favorite hockey buddy.“Daddy!” She pointed to the ice as players skated out, smiling and calling for him.

Alex had insisted on box seats now that I was pregnant, but I missed being in the stands with the fans, the roar of the crowd and the chill in the air.

“Daddy,” she shouted when he stopped and waved to the box, his image displayed on the giant screen. Dixie waved furiously like she hadn’t seen him just a few hours ago. “Go Daddy!”

The others in the box smiled at her exuberance before we settled in our seats to watch the game. The Highlanders dominated the last season, winning another Cup which made my husband’s ego so big it needed its own seat at the table. This year they were favored to win again, but the season had only started a few months ago.

At intermission, the crowd thinned out and I stood to stretch my legs while the baby kicked like he was auditioning for the Olympic soccer team. “Settle down, you.” I smiled at the energetic baby who never stopped moving but had made my first pregnancy enjoyable.

The door flung open and there he was, my husband. “Hey Sash.” He flashed that boyish smile that never failed to get my heart slamming against my chest.

“Hey Witter. Looking good out there. Two goals in the first half, it’s like you’re trying to impress me.”

He stalked to me, sweaty and still in most of his gear. “I know just how to impress you.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“As creative as you are, not even you can manage in all that.” I motioned to all the gear that kept him safe on the ice.