
“You’re seriously not going to tell me where we’re going?” I looked around the empty private jet and smiled at my husband’s attempt to surprise me. I glanced at the flight attendant. “Canyoutell me?”

She shook her head. “I’m contractually obligated to secrecy. Can I get you a drink?”

My shoulders slumped dramatically but my heart raced with excitement and anticipation. “If I don’t know where we’re going how will I know what to order?”

Alex’s lips curled into a knowing smile. “I know just the thing. Coconut pineapple margaritas. Keep’em coming, Luisa.”

She nodded and disappeared behind a dark blue curtain.

I turned back to my husband and his heart-stopping smile. “So?”

“It’s our honeymoon,” he offered with a smile. “It’s been too long but the season is over and-,”

“And you’re now a Stanley Cup champ,” I added, so damn proud of him.

His cheeks turned pink as they spread into a wide, proud smile. “A champ and a newly married man with the hottest wife on the planet.” His brows wiggled and he leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine in a kiss that started soft and sweet enough, but like it always was between us, things quickly spiraled out of control. “How about I show you how hot you are?”

My lips curled into a grin as heat suffused through my body. My nipples tightened the way they always did when he hit me with that intense, dark expression so full of want and need. “Yeah, how are you going to do that?”

A voice cleared next to us and we pulled back, turning to the flight attendant. “Margaritas.”

“Yes please. Thanks,” I accepted the drink and turned back to Alex. “To being married to the best hockey player in the league, the best dad and the sexiest man in all of Texas.”

His lips pulled into a pout. “Only in Texas?”

I giggled. “I haven’t beeneverywhereyet.” I screamed when he hooked an arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap.

“Funny,” he growled and nuzzled my neck and down to my shoulder before he focused on the space between my breasts. “And sexy.”

I tilted my head back to give him better access to my neck as a moan escaped. “Yeah, right there,” I whispered.

He moved deeper between my breasts, his tongue left a trail of heat from the well between my breasts up to my throat and back to my lips. “You taste so good,” he growled.

My body was on fire as he licked across my bottom lip and then the top. “Mmm, so fucking sweet.”

I gasped and then shrieked when the cold liquid slid down my throat and chest. “Alex.”

“I guess now you’ll have to take off that shirt.” He purred against my flesh as he swiped his tongue across the cold liquid, pulling a shiver from me. “Too bad.”

“Whatever will I do?” I stood and handed him the margarita glass before I took off my shirt and dropped it on the floor. “Guess I’ll have to find something else to wear.” I turned and headed to the room with the bed, an extra sway in my hips.

“Or you don’t have to put on anything at all, at least not for a good long while,” he called behind me.

Laughter echoed behind me and in the next second his arms were around me and his lips were on my neck. “I guess that’s an option too.”

Alex spun me around, his gaze dark and hungry. “It’s the only option. We have a few hours and I know exactly how I want to spend them. Inside my wife.” He unfastened my bra and pushed me down on the bed, smiling at the way my boobs jiggled. “Beautiful.”

“This bed is so firm and the bedding is so soft.” I ran my palm over the soft cotton.

“Not now, Sasha.”

I laughed and reached out, sliding my hand under his shirt. “This is soft and hard. I love it.”

He shuddered under my touch. “Sasha, I’m trying to seduce you here babe.”

I grinned. “Consider this part of my honeymoon gift. Come here, husband.” I tugged his waistband until he was falling on top of me. “Yeah, that’s much better.”