Sasha moaned and my control snapped. One hand slipped past her hip and gripped one ample ass cheek because I had to know if it was as soft and feminine as it looked. Just like I knew her tits would be, it was more than a handful and I wanted more.
I wanted all of her.
Dammit, I just wanted to show her that we would be compatible in the bedroom, but I miscalculated how much I would want her after one taste. Now I had to have her, and that could be a special form of hell if she wasn’t on board.
But then her hands fisted in my hair and pulled me closer, and suddenly I didn’t give a damn about anything but the next swipe of her tongue while my hands roamed all over her flesh. My hand slipped under the hem of her shirt, my thumb swiped across the silky flesh of her lower back and my fingers did the same at her soft belly. Shit, she was so soft, so utterly feminine, and it was almost too late to turn back.
Almost simultaneously, we pulled back and stared at each other. I smiled down at Sasha while she looked up at me with a stunned expression that I felt down to my toes. The kiss had stunned me too, but someone had to be clear headed right now, and despite her kiss-swollen lips and glazed over expression, it had to be me.
“Now, we’ve kissed. It was hot as fuck. Right?”
Sasha nodded and one hand left my hair and went to her mouth as if she wanted to imprint my kiss, my taste right there forever. “Yeah,” she sighed and nodded, eyes still filled with shock. “Hot.” She took a few steps back and shook her head, a new resolve settled around her. “Public affection is fine, touching and kissing and all that, but no sex. We can’t have sex, not with each other. Just be discreet.” She ran off, thinking that was the end of the conversation.
But she forgot she was dealing with a professional athlete and I caught up with her easily. “Sasha, wait.”
“I can’t, Alex.” She was scared.
“Why not?” A thought occurred to me. “Are you a virgin?”
She laughed. “Hardly, but I’m not as experienced as you are. It’s just, I can’t do casual sex. I’m not judging you, hell right now I really wish I could do it.”
That made me feel better. A little. “Boyfriend or girlfriend?”
“No,” she sighed. “You’re a nice guy Alex. Hotandnice, which is a bad combination.”
I shook my head. “Now I’m confused. Explain.”
She smiled. “If you were a jerk, maybe this could work, sex between us. But so far you’ve been nice and sweet, and you’re trying to do right by Dixie.”
My frown grew. “Those all sound like compliments.”
“They are, and that’s the problem. Physically you’re already irresistible which would be fine if you were a jerk, but combined with your other aforementioned attributes, it’s a big problem for me.”
“I’m still not getting it, Sasha.”
“Exactly,” she motioned at me. “You’re used to women who see what you have and want it so they do whatever it takes to get you. I already know that you don’t do serious or commitments, and I’m under no illusions that I’ll be the woman to change that, which means I can’t fall for you.”
I took a step back. “What?”
She sighed and her face turned a bright shade of red. “That kiss was incredible and if we do more than that behind closed doors, this will feel like a real relationship, except it isn’t. You didn’t ask me to marry you because you love me and want to spend your life with me.”
“We just met.”
“I know,” she laughed. “We’ll be married for at least a year. Living together all that time and pretending we’re in love for the world. Now if we take that to the bedroom it will feel real to me,but it won’t be real, and when this is all over, I’ll be crushed. I don’t want to do that to myself and I don’t want you to feel guilty about something that’s not your fault. Understand?”
I nodded, but I didn’t understand at all.
“Good,” she said and rushed off the roof, leaving me hot and bothered, and confused as hell.
Chapter 16
“You want to dowhat?”
My eyes bugged out of my head and I shook my head as if maybe I was still asleep and dreaming when Alex dropped down on the sofa beside me, legs propped up on the coffee table and his gaze softening towards Dixie before he turned to me.
“You heard me.” He flashed a smile that was too charming by half, but the impact was the same as if he was mine. “I want us to date. We should date. We’re already engaged, and we can date and get to know each other while we plan our wedding.”