
Sasha looked up from where she was carefully feeding Dixie a tiny spoon of orange mush. “Hey. Good workout?” Her brows dipped in concern but she kept it to herself, which I appreciated.

“It was all right.” I shrugged and guzzled a full bottle of water before tossing it into the recycling bin under the sink.

“Isn’t there such a thing as overtraining?” I glared at her and she laughed. “Forget I asked.”

Forget. As if I could. She was the reason being stuck at home was such a problem. She walked around in perfectly appropriate outfits for a nanny, but in my mind they were X-rated lacy and silky things that I unwrapped from her sinful curves. Every smile was an invitation, and that husky, lyrical laugh? It was too fucking much to handle without a release.

“I’m fine,” I growled.

“Okay,” she said in a high-pitched voice before she shrugged at my response and turned back to Dixie.

“What are you feeding her?”

“Broccoli and sweet potatoes,” she answered without turning back to me, which I deserved.

“Is there any left?” I asked in a grouchy tone.

“There might be,” Henrietta said as she entered the kitchen with Jack on her heels. “If you ask nicely,” she added with a teasing grin.


“Of course,” she said as she brushed past me and made her way to the stove. “Jack is here,” she added as an afterthought for the sole fact it would piss him off.

My gaze lifted from Henrietta to Jack who wore a satisfied smile. “What or who put that smile on your face?”

“I did, of course,” he said as if that was obvious. “I’m a genius,” he crowed, and even though in that moment I couldn’t say why, unease settled in my gut.

“Not to toot your own horn or anything,” Henrietta grumbled under her breath but she was loud enough to be heard.

Jack frowned.

Sasha snorted a laugh.

“Not even you can piss me off right now, Henri.”

Henrietta bristled at the hated nickname and glared at Jack over her shoulder. “Watch it, boy.”

Jack laughed again and turned to me, his eyes bright and excited. “I’ve got it all figured out, Alex. Every base covered.”

I folded my arms, ready to listen, even though that pesky feeling in my gut hadn’t gone anywhere. If anything, it only intensified.

“I’m listening.” A low chime sounded in the distance but I maintained my focus on Jack and whatever plan he’d cooked up to get the world to stop asking about Sasha and Dixie.

“What in the hell is going on?” Sasha’s voice sounded angry and confused and when I turned to see what had upset her, all I saw was fire burning in her blue eyes.

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about, both of you,” Jack began.

Sasha stood, making sure Dixie was secure in her highchair before she marched across the kitchen and got in Jack’s face. Her blue eyes were wide and furious as she poked her finger against his five hundred dollar shirt.

“Why does the internet think that the ‘mysterious raven haired woman’ is Alex Witter’s baby mama and bride-to-be? Huh, Jack? Why?”

It took a second for her words to sink in, but when they did I turned to him. “Jack.” It was the only thing I could manage at the moment.

“Yeah Jack,” Sasha said over and over as she continued to poke him. “What did you do?”

Jack’s eyes were wide and he looked at me for help, but I shook my head, effectively telling him he was on his own.