She laughed. “Or maybe they see a veryfamiliargood-looking man.”
“Then they would come and ask for a photo or an autograph,” I told her honestly. Fans were never shy about approaching and asking for what they wanted, no matter how ill-timed their appearance might be. But it was because of the fans I got paid so well to do something I loved.
“Do you ever go out, like, incognito? With a wig and a big nose and sunglasses?”
I laughed. “No. Given my size, it’s difficult to hide who I am most of the time.” Sometimes I was confused for a football player or a superhero, but people always assumed I wassomebodythey knew. Dixie began to fuss and instinctively, I unfastened her and held her close as we finished the shopping.
“Bummer. I would love that.” At my stunned expression, she laughed. “That’s the one thing I think would be cool about being famous, just dressing up in disguise to go fill up the gas tank or grab midnight snacks.”
“That’s what you think would be cool about being famous? Not the adoration?”
“Ugh, no,” she shuddered. “I’d be happy for people who know me to adore me, but strangers? No offense, that feels creepy.”
“It is a bit. But I’m an athlete so I know why they love me. I win games and that gives them bragging rights over other hockey fans.”
“Fair point. I guess that would be pretty cool to have people fist-bumping you at the grocery store.Good game,” she said in a gruff voice meant to be a hockey fan. “Totally sick goal, Alex.”
I stopped and just stared at this strange woman. She stopped and looked up at me, her blue eyes serious for a beat before sheerupted in a fit of laughter that definitely drew a few stares. “You are a strange, strange woman Sasha.”
“Thanks,” she replied with a genuine smile, not at all offended by my assessment of her.
She was a strange woman, though. Instead of sitting inside the cool truck with Dixie, she kept an eye on her while she helped the workers load everything into the vehicle, ordering them around as if she was the boss. Every last one of them obeyed her commands with a smile.
“Thank you guys so much for the assist. I really appreciate it.” She beamed that wide, full-lipped smile at them and I knew they would have followed her into battle. Hell, I might’ve gone with them.
On the trip home, all I could think about was that shopping for baby items was the most fun I’d ever had with a woman outside the bedroom. And wasn’t that a sad state of affairs?
Maybe Jack was right and I needed to get my personal life in order, and not just because of the impact it could have on future endorsement deals. The problem was I met very few women like Sasha, and she was, well she was completely and totally off-limits.
Strictly off-limits.
Chapter 10
“Come on, sweet girl, let’s get you into the swing.” I smiled like a proud mama when she kicked her legs excitedly and I set her in the swing. She started babbling when I adjusted the seat so she could see the world around her. “All good?”
Dixie’s arms and legs kicked happily and when the swing began to move, she laughed. The sound was so sweet and joyful it warmed my heart.
“Good for you.” I smiled at her and rubbed her soft, downy hair.
A loud knock sounded on the door startling me, but it was just one quick rap so I relaxed. Moments later, dozens of loud, successive knocks pounded against the door. Dixie whimpered at the loud, aggressive sound and I stared at the door for a long moment. I already knew there was a short list of people pre-approved to access the penthouse, but I also knew that Dixie’s mother had managed to bypass that system. When Dixie’s whimpers grew in intensity I knew soon she would be crying so I went to the door and tapped the camera on the wall, which revealed Jack’s angry face.
I inhaled deeply and let it out slowly before I opened the door. “Jack.”
“Where is he?” Jack’s expression was furious as his head swung from left to right as if he thought Alex might be hiding from him.
“I don’t know, Jack.” I went to Dixie and picked her up to stop her from crying. “We just came out there. Is everything all right?”
“No!” He roared so loudly a vein sprang up on his forehead. “Everything isnotall right! Where the hell is Alex? Alex,” he called out before I could tell him that I had no idea where Alex might be.
“He’s right here,” Alex growled, rubbing his eyes, looking like he was ready for a photo shoot for expensive pajamas. His abs and his chest, bronzed with a light dusting of hair were distracting as hell, so I turned my attention to a still whimpering Dixie. “What’s going on,” he asked and took Dixie from me, laying her against his chest. She settled down instantly.
Lucky girl.
Jack sucked in a big breath of air and I took a step away from the two men, sensing an emotional volcano about to erupt. Jack let out the breath and produced a stack of newspapers and magazines, waving them around like a madman.
“I asked you to do one damn thing! One goddamned thing,” he growled. “Keep her,” he pointed at the baby in his arms, “under wraps. You have all this space, a nanny and a rooftop that’s better than half the damn parks in the city and you couldn’t do the one fucking thing I asked.” He shook his head and finally dropped the papers on the table. “Not only do you not keep her under wraps, you three make an adorable fucking family!”