“I agree.” His jaw was tense and I had a feeling that although our backgrounds were worlds apart, our experiences weren’t.
“And if she’s not yours?”
He shrugged again. “I don’t even want to think about it, Sasha. I don’t know what I want the test results to say, which makes me an asshole, doesn’t it?”
“No. It’s okay to have complicated feelings on this. You thought your life was going to look one way and now that’s changed. You’ll have the results soon enough and then you can figure out what your new life is going to look like.”
He frowned. “This is one of those things where all the spaces between the words require a lot of damn work, isn’t it?”
I nodded. “Now you’re getting it.” Dixie started to fuss on the monitor and I picked it up, attached it to my back pocket, and started for the baby’s room. “Good luck.”
“Yeah, thanks,” he grumbled to my back.
I wanted to laugh at his put-out tone but I refused to let myself laugh or smile. I could not, would not allow myself to crush on the hockey player or the sexy single dad. Or my boss.
Nope. Now way. No how.
Absolutely not.
Chapter 9
“That can’t be possible.” The words squeezed out through my clenched jaws as I tried to keep my anger at bay. “I placed the order and it was processed. My credit card was charged including the exorbitant delivery fees, which means you’re responsible for bringing all the items to the address I provided.”
“I’m sorry about the mix-up, sir.”
“It isn’t a mix-up,” I growled. “It is a total failure on your end.”
The customer service rep had the nerve to sigh as if I was causing her a big fat fucking headache. “Deliveries are scheduled and you are not on the schedule for today, but you are more than welcome to pick the items up at the store.” She rattled off the address as if that was a perfectly reasonable compromise.
“No!” I barked into the phone. “If you can’t make the delivery in the next hour, I expect a full refund today.”
“But, sir,” she began and I cut her off.
“Can you make that happen?”
There was a long silence before she sighed. “No. The delivery drivers have their schedules for the day, but we can have theorder ready for pickup so all you have to do is pull up and our guys will load you up.”
It was a tempting option even if it wasn’t ideal. “Fine,” I growled eventually and ended the call.
“Everything okay?” Sasha’s soft voice had a calming effect that left me slightly unnerved but I focused on the calming part for now because I needed it.
“No.” I explained about the delivery fuck up, failing miserably to keep my anger out of my voice. “So now I have to pick it up or wait until tomorrow.”
“Don’t you have an assistant or something who does stuff like this for you?”
I frowned. “Why would I need an assistant when they were supposed to deliver it?”
She shrugged. “Don’t give me attitude, I didn’t screw up the order. And don’t people like you always have assistants?”
“Now you sound like Jack,” I growled. He’d been tossing assistants my way for years but I always refused. “I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Mostly.” I grinned and she rolled her eyes. “The point is, they were supposed to deliver it and they messed up.”
“Cool, so you can be mad about it or you can fix it. Which are you going to do?”
My first instinct was to frown, because no one, especially women, ever spoke to me like that. But as her words sank in, my anger slowly dissolved. She was right.
“I guess I’m going to pick up the stuff. Want to come along?”