The truth was my own behavior, or rather my cowardice, was the thing that might have scared her off. I’d come back from practice with the intention of laying all my cards on the table and telling her how I felt, but I was interrupted by Jack. Okay, I let Jack interrupt us. It turns out that the suits at St. Bay Lager were ready to sign a very lucrative endorsement deal and I’d rushed off to sign it. It was business, I told myself because that was easier than the prospect of telling Sasha my feelings and having her reject me.
Later that night, I thought I would try and talk to her again. I took the buttercream to her room as a joke, I way to ease my way into the conversation I awkwardly ran from before. But, as usual with Sasha, one thing let to another, and before I knew it, we were fucking. And hell if I was going to stop that to talk.
“More puck bunnies for me,” Greg interrupted my thoughts with a satisfied smile. “Send the missus my love.”
“Yeah, I won’t be doing that. See you in the morning,” I said to the table at large before I turned to leave the bar. I wasn’t in the mood to drink and yuck it up with the team, but I hadn’t been out with them all season and that kind of bonding was important. I couldn’t let it slide even though I missed Dixie and Sasha, and I couldn’t wait to get home to see them.
The penthouse was quiet and mostly dark except for one light that Sasha kept on, joking that we couldn’t risk me hurting my money makers in a freak accident with a coffee table. My shoulders slumped in disappointment when I realized it was late, too late to spend any time with Dixie. That didn’t stop me from peeking in for a quick look at her sweet sleeping form. Her red hair, growing thicker by the day, stood up all around her head like a halo.
“Sleep well, baby girl.”
I hesitated outside of Sasha’s room. I wanted to knock and go inside, to tell her how I felt and taste her sweet lips, yet I stood on the other side of the door and contemplated.
For five fucking minutes.
The door swung open and Sasha ran right into me. Instinctively my arms flew out to catch her and hold her close.
“Alex. What are you doing?” She stepped back and looked up at me, sexy and rumpled in her tiny cotton pajamas. “Alex?”
I smiled. “I was debating on whether or not to bother you.”
“It’s no bother, what’s up?” She stepped around me and nodded for me to follow her. “Is everything all right?”
“Not really, no.” What in the hell was I saying?
She stopped just inside the living room and turned to me with a question in her blue eyes. “Want to talk about it?”
“Yes,” I nodded and raked a hand through my hair. “No,” I then said with a smile. “It’s complicated.”
“Well that’s about as clear as mud,” she laughed that sexy, throaty laugh that invited the listener to join in.
“I missed you,” I blurted out and then flashed a nervous smile. My eyes roamed over her beautiful face, free of make up, her lush pink lips drew my gaze first, and then those big blue eyes. But dammit, the sight of her in hot pink shorts and a matching camisole had my cock waking up and taking notice.
Her eyes widened as if my words surprised her. “I’ve been right here, Alex.”
“I know, but I just wanted to tell you.”
“Well we’ll be married soon and I’m sure you’ll be sick of seeing my face day in and day out.” Despite her words, heat flared in her gaze and her nipples hardened to stiff peaks before my eyes.
“Doubtful,” I growled and took a step closer.
Sasha took a step back. “Alex.”
“Sasha,” I growled and closed the gap between us, holding her close enough that her quick breaths fanned over my face. “I’ve missed you. The taste of you and the feel of you under me.”
She sucked in a sharp breath and tilted her head back, giving me an excellent view not just of her cleavage but the pulse fluttering in her throat. “Alex.” She licked her lips and the last bit of my control snapped.
My mouth crashed down on hers and instantly all the doubts and anxiety faded until Sasha was the only thing I could see or hear or feel. Her familiar curves under my hands settled my racing mind but ramped up the beat of my heart.
Sasha wrapped her arms around me and held on tight, pulling me closer like she was as desperate and as hungry for me as I was for her. That eagerness sent fire rushing through my veins and intensified my need for her. Her hands spread wide as they slid up and down my back, as if she were trying to touch as much of me as possible. A groan escaped and I swallowed it down, so damn hungry for her that I could hardly think straight.
She moaned again and I knew there wasn’t one damn thing in the world I wouldn’t do to get inside her, so I dropped down on the sofa with Sasha on top of me, the weight of her, the softness of her hands and her curves more than I could bear without losing control even further.
“Ah,” she groaned and sucked in a breath when she ripped her mouth from mine with a wild-eyed smile. “Alex,” she moaned and rolled her hips against my cock, straining beneath my zipper. “Fuck.”
My hands gripped her tighter as the expletive fell from her mouth and she continued to grind on me, to take her pleasure from me. It wasn’t enough, not at the moment. “Sasha,” I growled breathlessly. One hand left the curtain of silk that hung around her shoulders and slid down her back and over her hip, finding silky smooth thighs that grew hotter and hotter asI neared her apex. Two fingers slipped underneath the shorts and then the waistband of her panties. “You’re so fucking wet already.”
She smiled and let her head fall back with a moan, thrusting her hips towards my touch. “That was the point, wasn’t it?”