My shoulders relaxed at her words. “That’s good. But I have to warn you that my agent will probably come around in a few days with NDAs for you and the woman to sign.”
She waved off my words with a laugh. “I can handle him, I assure you.”
That was good because she would have to. “But, can you help me with my current predicament?” I looked over my shoulder at the door where the curvy raven-haired woman had exited from with my daughter.Maybedaughter my conscience corrected automatically. The DNA test was next on my list, just as soon as I could find some good help.
“I can.”
“Good.” I nodded and sat up a little taller, feeling more self-assured than I had since the little bundle of baby arrived on my doorstep. “I want her, the woman who has my daughter right now. She got her to stop crying.”
She laughed. At me. No one ever laughed at Alex Witter. At least, not anymore. “You are lucky because Sasha has recently become available, but I’ll have to check with her to see if she’s willing to take on a job like this.”
I frowned. “What does that mean? She’s good with the baby and she doesn’t know who I am. I want her. It has to be her.”
Serenity nodded. “Okay, assuming Sasha is available, what exactly are your needs?”
“I have no idea. I start training soon and I need someone who can be with her during the day while I’m training and to help me at night, at least until I get used to the responsibilities of fatherhood.” A dark scowl crossed my face. “I sound like an asshole, right? If she’s with the girl day and night, when will she sleep?”
She stood and placed a hand on my shoulder. It wasn’t a come on or anything tawdry, it was just affectionate, possibly with a hint of pity. “There are live-in nannies, Mr. Witter.”
“Alex. Call me Alex.”
She nodded and took the chair right beside me. “A live-in nanny sounds like what you need, but I’ll still need you to outline your needs so that Sasha can make an informed decision.”
“Yeah, okay. This is all new to me. I don’t know any babies, except my goddaughter and I’m more of an uncle. Not a father. I need help learning how to be a father as well as someone to take care of her while I’m away.” At least until paternity was confirmed. After that? Hell, I had no idea.
“Sasha is one of my best, so if she decides to take this assignment she will be a valuable guide through parenthood for you.”
I nodded because that was exactly what I needed. A guide. A daddy coach. “Perfect. I need her. Now.”
“You’re used to getting everything you want right when you want it, Mr. Witter.”
“Yes.” There was no point pretending otherwise.
“I understand but Sasha has a say in this as well.”
Of course she did. “I’ll double the pay.”
Serenity’s eyes widened in shock. “That may not be necessary. My nannies are paid very well.”
“It is necessary,” I insisted, feeling more confident as the words tumbled out of my mouth. “She doesn’t know who I am yet, but you do. You know that in addition to the child, she will have to deal with tabloid journalists, paparazzi and wannabe groupies. She is definitely going to earn her salary, I promise that. Double the pay up front and if she wants or needs something else to do this, please tell me.” I sounded like a desperate ass which was never a good negotiating position but I was desperate. I’d hardly gotten any sleep last night because I couldn’t put the baby down without her bursting into tears. Sure, I dozed a few times in the recliner but anxiety made it difficult toget a good rest. I was desperate and willing to pay anything, hell to do just about anything to get that woman to be my nanny.
“So you’re accepting paternity of the child?”
“For now, I am. I will have a rush done on paternity to make certain that she’s mine but right now she needs to be cared for, so as right now, she’s mine.”
That seemed to please the woman because she unleashed a smile that was full of pride and satisfaction. “I’ll talk to Sasha and have an answer for you before the end of business today.”
I wanted to tell her that wasn’t good enough, that I didn’t just need an answernow,but that I needed to take that woman, Sasha, home with me immediately. But there was a steely core to Serenity that was easy to see. She looked soft and feminine but she was no pushover, and I’d end up worse than I was now if I pissed her off.
“Okay, yeah. Thank you, Serenity.”
“Don’t worry, Alex. I will find you the perfect nanny. I promise.”
I didn’t have a lot of trust stored up at the moment, but when Serenity made that promise, I believed her. “Then I hope we’ll be doing business together very soon.”
She stood and walked with me to another room Sasha was singing to my daughter. My baby stared up at her as if she was the most interesting person she had ever seen.
“Oh Alex, I have no doubt that we will.”