“Yeah, okay.” I slowly sipped my coffee as I crossed the kitchen and dropped down at the head of the table. “The good news is that neither of us will have to endure six months of wedding planning.”

Her gaze didn’t move, didn’t waver for a long moment and I braced for the worst. Instead I was met with the sweet and husky sound of her laughter. “Sold, how long do we have?”

“July is a great month for a wedding,” Jack said, attempting to sound innocent.

Sasha frowned. “Won’t everyone think I’m pregnant if we get married so soon?”

I shrugged. “It won’t hurt for people to know I’m young and virile.”

She rolled her eyes but she couldn’t hide the smirk that curled her lips. “Fine. A day in July.” She folded her arms in resignation and looked at me expectantly.

“How about a Friday,” Jack asked in that way that wasn’t really asking. “You can have a long weekend away together and then later you can do a big honeymoon. We’ll make a big splash out of it.” He smiled, all self-satisfied.

“Sounds like you want to moonlight as a wedding planner,” Sasha told him with a sassy smile.

Jack flashed a wide smile as a laugh escaped. “No can do, sweetheart. That part is up to you two and try to make it splashy if you can.” His gaze settled on Sasha, appraising her or maybe just her appearance. “Don’t forget to dress up for the cameras. Play up those curves.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“Watch it,” Sasha aimed a finger at him. “If you die another agent will step in to take your place.”

Her words startled a laugh out of me and Henrietta.

“Noted,” Jack said and pushed away from the table. “Keep me posted. Later, Henrietta.”

I turned to Sasha with a resigned smile though I was secretly happy that we had a reason to spend the whole day together. “How long do you need to get ready?”

“I have a job,” she shot back.

“I’ll take care of the little one,” Henrietta offered. “It’s better than cleaning anyway. She smells better than your dirty socks,” she said with a playful smile aimed at me.

She arched a brow at me, a sassy expression on her face. “An hour will suffice.”

“Perfect. Wear something pretty for me.”

Sasha glared at me as she pushed away from the table, flipping me the bird as she left the kitchen.

“I hope you know what you’re doing,” Henrietta said behind me.

“So do I.” The truth was that now that I’ve had Sasha, I wanted her even more than ever. In my bed, but also in my life.

“Just try not to screw it up.”

I sighed and turned to my housekeeper. “I’ll try my best.”

She smiled down at me. “Then it’s as good as done.”

Henrietta’s faith in me was what gave me the confidence to move forward. She knew about my screwups in the early days of my career and she’d stuck around, giving me tough love and motherly affection. She knew what I could do and the fact that she thought I could do this and not screw it up, hell it meant that I could.

That I would.

Chapter 22


My shoulders sagged as we checked out the fifth venue in four hours. They were all gorgeous venues, with curling staircases, vibrant gardens, bell towers, archways, gazebos and anything else that a little girl might dream up for her wedding day. They were stunning and they were overpriced, which wasn’t a problem for Alex. But there was another problem with each and every single venue. “It’s too much for a small wedding.”

Alex kept his hand closed around mine, nodding his agreement. “They are all great, Diana, but my lovely bride is right, it’s too much for an intimate ceremony.”

The woman gave a tight-lipped smile, disappointed that she wouldn’t be responsible for throwing a wedding for one of the biggest athletes in the country. “I’m sorry to hear that, but we have a sister site that might suit you.” She handed me a business card and offered a smile for Alex. “Good luck. And congratulations.”