“I’m walking you to your door,” I told her. “Like a gentleman.”
Sasha sighed. “You don’t have to do this, Alex. We tried tonight and we failed, so let’s just chalk it up to giving it the old college try, okay?”
“I wouldn’t say we failed,” I began slowly and put my hand to her lower back, where I didn’t fail to miss the shiver that tore through her body. “There are learning curves to be expected.”
“Learning curves?” She laughed but there was a distinct lack of amusement in it. “I tried to get to know you and you shut me down. Message received.” She turned at the door and effectively blocked me from going any further. “Good night, Alex.”
Shit. This was not going the way I wanted it to go, and I hated it. This wasn’t me. Alex Witter didn’t swing his puck and miss, not ever. I always made the goal. Except tonight. I watched Sasha turn away with slumped shoulders and a defeated expression and knew I had to do something. “I finally understand now, what you were trying to tell me before.”
She stopped and turned to me, her dark brows raised in a question.
“The dangers of spending time together. The risk of catching inconvenient feelings.” I shook my head and scraped a hand over my face. “I felt it earlier and it shocked me, not because you’re not great but because, hell Sasha, you asked me about work. Do you know how fucking hot that is?”
She shook her head. “I have no idea Alex. We’re going to be spending a lot of time together over the next two and a half years, I thought it would be nice to get to know each other.”
“I want that too,” I insisted. “It just dawned on me during dinner what you meant and I could see how easily feelings could develop.”
“And you either hated it or got scared,” she guessed correctly.
“It scared me, Sasha. It scared the hell out of me.” My lips pulled into a lopsided grin but the minute it was over, I hated the way you pulled back. I hated it more than it scared me.”
“I get it, Alex. Now you understand why this is a bad deal.”
“I understand whyyouthink it’s a bad idea,” I agreed and took a step forward. And then another. “But I disagree.” She got as far as a gasp before my mouth was on hers, tasting the white wine on her lips from dinner, the after dinner coffee on her tongue. I smiled against her mouth and she moaned when I slipped inside. She moaned again when I pulled her close to let her feel the impact she had on me.
Sasha and I were good together, really fucking good and this kiss proved it. All it took was one swipe of my tongue, one nibble on my bottom lip and we both blew up. It was explosive and there was no way in hell that we could spend the next two and a half years together without getting naked. Together.
In fact, if I didn’t stop now then I’d peel that blue dress off of her and make her scream my name now.Pull back now.After a few more seconds of devouring every inch of her mouth, I slowly pulled back with a teasing grin. “As much as I want to, and I really fucking want to, I don’t put out on the first date.”
She laughed. “Who’s offering?”
I laughed and leaned in, kissing the top of one breast and then the other. The kiss was silky smooth and she smelled like flowers and perfume. “Not yet, Sasha. But soon.”
Very fucking soon.
I stepped back until she was out of my reach and then I turned and walked away, and straight into a cold shower.
Chapter 20
This cannot continue.How many nights was this man, this frustrating beautiful man, going to invade my dreams? It was unfair really, the way he’d kissed me after he’d been so wishy-washy on what was so far our first—and only—date. How could a man be so unsure of his feelings yet kiss like I meant everything to him? It was magic or maybe sorcery, it was some sort of supernatural bullshit.
Instead of lying in bed while my mind played and replayed that kiss, heating up the blood as it pumped through my veins and dampening my panties, I sat up abruptly and jumped out of bed. I couldn’t start another day with Alex on my mind, even if he was my husband-to-be. No, I dressed quickly and check on Dixie, who was thankfully awake and ready to start the day. “You’re a lifesaver, pretty girl.”
At the sound of my voice Dixie smiled, a sight that never failed to make my chest squeeze just a little. She was a sweet baby in need of love and I was happy to lavish her with it.
“At least you’re happy to see me.” Unlike her father who had spent most of the past week avoiding me. If I walked into a room, he left that room. He made sure not to touch me when he tookover to spend time with Dixie. And most of all, we hadn’t been on a second date. We hadn’t had any more heart-pounding kisses.
The thing was, I missed Alex. Sure he was arrogant and too charming by half, and he knew his worth as a man, but he was also funny and kind. He smelled like a man should and yeah okay, maybe I also missed the way his body felt under my hands. Hard and sculpted, rippling and so hot that my hands tingled just thinking about touching him.
“Damn,” I whispered under my breath and forbid myself from having any more Alex related thoughts until the sun set hours from now.
So far so good. I hadn’t thought of him once while I dressed Dixie for the day, or when I ventured outside of her room and into the kitchen. Twenty minutes and then forty-five minutes passed and I hadn’t thought of him once.
And then there he was, appearing out of nowhere in a pair of shorts that hung low—mouthwateringly low—on his hips, and no shirt because the man had an aversion to wearing too many clothes. “Good morning, ladies.” He flashed a toothy grin and I turned away, kept my focus on feeding Dixie.
Henrietta turned and gave him a long, assessing look before she frowned at him. “Something wrong with your shirts?”