Uh oh.
Warning bells went off and I stepped back. “I’ll have an answer for you tomorrow.”
Chapter 13
Iwoke up earlier than usual the next day, anticipation of Sasha’s answer sat like a weight on my chest.
Had I done enough to convince her to get on board with Jack’s crazy plan? Should I have done more, fattened the pot like Jack had recommended, or applied a little pressure with my charm? I didn’t know, but I wanted her to come to the decision on her own, not necessarily under coercion.
I stared at the ceiling for about fifteen minutes before I sat up, smacked the switch to open the blinds and bathed the room in sunlight. It was still early, and though I wanted to hit the gym, I stepped out of my room and stared at the other end of the hall. On the other side of that door was the woman who held my future and my continued wealth in her hands. I smiled and headed in that direction, not to pressure Sasha, at least not overtly. Instead of knocking, I turned at the last minute to Dixie’s room, figuring that I could help Sasha while spending some time with my daughter.
My daughter. I didn’t doubt it, but now that I knew it for certain, it all felt right. She was mine. I frowned at the empty crib. She was also gone.
I figured she was in the kitchen having breakfast so that’s where I headed next. “Morning, Henrietta.”
She looked over her shoulder at me with one eyebrow arched and a grin on her face. “Dixie’s in the room with Sasha. Been in there all morning.”
All morning? “It’s barely past eight,” I insisted at the implication that I was late to rise.
“Dixie woke up early with a tummy ache so Sasha got up with her, soothed her and brought her to her room. Been there a long time,” she said slowly. “You know anything about that?”
I shrugged because telling Henrietta the truth was something I’d gone back and forth on since last night. There was no way to keep her in the dark, but I didn’t want to tell her anything until I had Sasha’s answer. “I do.”
“Well, you want to tell me or should I guess?” She nodded for me to take a seat and turned back to the stove.
I sat and let my mind wander. Of course Sasha wanted time to herself and that was why she was holed up in her room. It was a big thing she’s been asked to do, which put her in the position of getting anything she wanted, and that was scary as fuck to think about. Yeah, I needed a sounding board.
“The tabloids are all over me and Sasha being a couple, and Dixie is our love child.”
“Oh, I know all about it. You look good together, like a real couple.”
“Yeah I noticed,” I grumbled and told her all about Jack’s plan for us to get married for real and stay married. “Is it ridiculous?”
Henrietta turned from the stove with a plate piled high with food, and since training started soon, it was all healthier alternatives. “That depends. Are you planning to be married in name only, or will it be real in the bedroom too?”
I laughed and shook my head. “No,” I admitted even though I would love nothing more than to take Sasha to bed.
“Why not?” She set the plate down in front of me with a knowing smile. “You might as well go for it since you can’t keep your eyes off her, and since you’re determined to wander the house shirtless, she can’t keep her eyes off you either.” She laughed and shook her head.
“What can I say, Henrietta? I like beautiful things.” And Sasha was a very beautiful woman, but also off-limits. “She hasn’t given me an answer yet.” I tapped my fingers anxiously on the counter before I picked up the fork and took a big bite of scrambled egg whites.
“She’ll say yes because she’s a sweetheart, but maybe you ought to do something to sweeten the deal.”
I frowned. “She has a blank check, Henrietta.”
“Don’t be dense, Alex. I’m talking about a ring. A big fat one that will make her eyes sparkle with joy, that will make her feel special even though this is all transactional.”
I hated that word, but I couldn’t deny the truth of it because I was giving her something to compensate her for giving me her life for a year. Possibly two.
“You’re right, Henrietta.”
“I usually am,” she said smugly and set a platter of extra food on the counter in front of me. “Good luck.”
“Thanks,” I grunted, eating while I thought about whether or not I wanted to buy my real fake wife a ring. A ring. Would she read too much into it, or would she appreciate it like Henrietta said?