Dixie was my daughter. She was mine.

Whatever else was true, that was settled. I could move forward with that knowledge and plan accordingly. I sat thereand did as Sasha had instructed, I thought about the results and how I felt about them. I thought about the pros and cons of Jack’s plan, devoting a solid ten minutes before I got to my feet and rejoined Jack and Sasha.

We had a future to plan.

Chapter 12


“This is good for everyone.” Jack flashed what was supposed to be a charming smile, but it was borderline smarmy. “Seriously, we’ll negotiate a big fat sum for pretending while you continue to do your job and take care of this little one.”

I understood what Jack was saying, and I really didn’t want Alex to get in trouble when he was only trying to make sure his little girl had everything she needed. But the downside was a dealbreaker.

“I don’t lie.”

“Ever?” His question was so incredulous and the smirk on his face made me want to smack him. “You never lie?”

“No. The truth is easier to remember and no one gets hurt.” Mostly. The truth could hurt a lot, but it hurt worse after a lifetime of lies. “Sorry. I’m not agreeing to deceive the world.”

He leaned forward with that car salesman look on his face. “I mean you’re not exactly the paragon of truth, are you? Playing at being a nanny despite who your family is.”

“I’m not playing at anything. I’ve been doing this job for years, I earned it and I’m damn good at it.” I wished that looks could kill, because I really wanted to hurt him for that comment.

“No offense,” he said and held up his hands defensively. “And you don’t have to worry about lying anyway because this marriage will be one hundred percent real.”

“Real.” The word fell from my lips as if it was foreign, as if it held no meaning. “You mean that your plan is for us to get married for real? In front of a preacher and everything?” I shook my head because this was now getting even more ridiculous.

He shrugged. “You can choose about who officiates the thing with Alex, as long as it’s real and legal, I don’t care.”

“This is crazy.”

“It’s not, actually.” Alex’s deep voice sounded behind me and I turned to see he was still not wearing a shirt, but there was a difference in him. He seemed settled or content, something like that, but I didn’t know him well enough to know which. “A fake engagement or marriage would be worse for me if anyone found out.”

Dammit, and there goes the guilt creeping in, as if I had anything to feel guilty about. This was Alex’s and Jack’s fault, but I was the one feeling guilty for not jumping into this crazy plan with both feet.

“Listen Sasha, people do this all the time,” Jack explained. “They marry for a variety of reasons and they have for centuries. Love is just one reason, but you know better than most that it’s not always at the top of the list when planning a marriage.”

I clenched my jaws so hard I heard them grinding inside my head as I shot hate darts at him.

“Don’t get upset. Of course, I looked into you and your past. That’s another reason you’re perfect.”

“Yeah? Enlighten me.” Whatever he thought he knew was only what the family publicist wanted the world to know.

“Your parents got married because it was the joining of two powerful families. Maybe over time they grew to love each other, but it wasn’t a love match.”

“What?” Alex dropped down beside me and took Dixie from my arms, leaning back on the sofa to give her a comfortable and warm surface to snooze.

“You didn’t know that your nanny is from a rich family?” Jack laughed. “She has plenty of money of her own, which means no one will dare accuse her of being a gold digger.”

Alex’s frown darkened. “You said your parents were rich, not you.”

“I’m not,” I insisted.

“But you have a trust fund.”

“You do?” Alex sat up, but when Dixie squirmed he leaned back and gave her a soothing pat on the back.

“I have one, yes. But I haven’t touched it in years. I live on my salary.”