
Dr. Peterson nodded. “This is a quick buccal swab.” He stuck a giant cotton swab in my mouth and swiped at the inside of my cheek, and then did the same to Dixie.

I relaxed and listened carefully as he explained the process and what to expect. “When will we have the results?”

“Two days maximum. Call with this identification code and you’ll have the results. Or you can pick them up if you need the paper.”

“Perfect. Thank you, Doctor.” We all returned to the kitchen where Jack was eating and Sasha sat across from him looking over the boilerplate non-disclosure agreement.

“What about other employees at Elite Nanny Service,?” She asked sincerely.

Jack arched a brow. “Eager to gossip with the other nannies?”

I took a step forward ready to tell Jack to back off, but Sasha didn’t need me to rush to her defense. She hit my agent with a searing gaze.

“No. I’m used to working for rich people, but not famous people. A few of the other nannies have though, and if I need guidance or advice, I’d like to be able to get it. Unless you moonlighted as a child care professional in college, Jack?”

Henrietta snorted a laugh.

“No, I have no nanny skills, unfortunately. But I have spoken to Serenity, and she assures me you all sign NDAs when you start with a new household so you should be fine, just don’t give away intimate details.”

Her gaze was alight with amusement as she glanced at me and then back at Jack. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone he sleeps in fancy pin-striped boxer briefs.”

I looked down at her words and for the first time since I was a kid, I felt a blush rise up my body. How in the hell had so much happened before I even managed to get dressed for the day?

“I, um, guess I should get dressed.”

“Good idea,” Jack said before he barked out a laugh at my expense.

When I returned in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, Dr. Peterson was leaving with a breakfast sandwich in his hand and Sasha had finally sat down to eat, taking the spot beside Dixie who was fascinated by a yellow strip of something.

“What is that?”

“It’s an omelet with salt, garlic, and herbs. Dixie is about the age where she should be starting solid foods so I thought I’d see where she was with that.”

Sure enough, Dixie grabbed the small rectangular piece and shoved it in her mouth, chewing contemplatively. “How did you know?”

“Education and experience,” she shot back and then gave Dixie and her breakfast, her full attention.

“Not bad,” Jack whispered, referring to Sasha. “Her boss signed an NDA and the investigator is looking for the mother. You sure you don’t want me to handle it?”

“No. At least not until I know everything.” Jack was a pit bull, it was what made him such a great agent, but not every situation needed his particular skillset.

Jack finished his breakfast and got up from the table. “Then my work here is done. We’ll talk soon, Alex. In the meantime, try to stay out of trouble.”

I nodded at the familiar refrain and once he was gone, I dug into my own now lukewarm breakfast. So far the day was off to a good start. It wasn’t how I usually started my day—with a workout, a few calls and some time on the ice—but this was controlled chaos, and for today, that was a win.

Chapter 8


With Dixie asleep in her new crib, I decided to take advantage of the peace and quiet, using the time to put away the three big baskets of freshly laundered baby clothes. This little girl already had more clothes than I did, and sure, it was mostly my fault for buying so many adorable outfits for her, but it was only as I stuffed the closet and the tiny armoire that I realized my indulgence.

An hour later, all the clothes had a place to call home, so did the toys and even the necessities like diapers and wipes. Dixie’s room was in perfect order and I looked around the room with a satisfied smile before grabbing the monitor and making my way towards the kitchen for a glass of water.

I drank down a full glass of cold water and refilled it immediately, letting the icy liquid cool my overheated body. Though the penthouse was very well air conditioned, I felt warm enough that I already removed the cardigan I had on earlier. It was common in Texas. Sometimes even a steady blast of cold air was no match for the Texas heat.

It had been a busy day already with Alex’s agent showing up with a doctor to do swabs for paternity testing. I couldn’t helpbut smile as I thought about Alex’s face when he realized he’d been running around in his underwear all morning. Then again, a body like his was worth showing off, from a strictly objective point of view. He was gorgeous and fit, that wasn’t in question.