Page 31 of Tyrant

“Stop. Stop softening the blow. Plus, she doesn’t have a library card and neither do I.”

He winks at me. “Won’t need one. Just my word is enough.”

I treat him to another long-suffering sigh, but I know I’m going to have to give in. “Fine. Apparently, the whole world isfreaking upside down and that’s okay with me. But just know this. One day you’re going to meet a woman and have kids of your own. I’ll just leave it there and hope you take it as a light threat.”

He just laughs at that too, even when I scowl back. “I’m being forced to learn how to kick butt today. Don’t forget that.”

“Nah. Self-defense and knife training comes later.”

“I thought Gray said there was nothing to worry about.” Sure, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared, but prepared for what? Or does he think I’ll just give in on the whole ‘his world is too dangerous for us’ thing if I know how to use a gun or kick some asshole in the balls?

“There isn’t. Money talks so much louder than violence and if there’s something that we have, it’s a ton of cash, but everyone should know how to protect themselves. We’d all feel better knowing that you know your way around a weapon and at least basic self-defense.”

Well. I can’t really argue with that. I’m not going to get out of this either, so I shut my mouth and let Raiden steer us down the road to the range.

I have to say, when we pull up, it isn’t what I expected. There’s a lot of land and it’s nice. Manmade hills roll in the distance. They’re set at strange angles to each other, with banks of targets. There are several covered constructions made of wooden beams with metal roofing. There are pits of sand and way far away, it looks like exciting things might happen with targets that explode. There’s another area that looks a bit like an obstacle course, with old burned-out car shells.

The rattle and occasional burst of gunfire echoes outside as Raiden parks in the gravel lot.

“You’ll do just fine.”

He has more faith in me than I do in myself, but I’m not going to let anyone see me rattled. I told myself that when I first left Hart, determined to raise a child by myself. The little girl who needed her big brother to take care of her had to be put to rest, and a kick ass woman who was strong and brave had to emerge.

“Thanks.” I reach for my bag, looping it over my sweater. I wore a tank underneath and leggings, since Raiden told me to dress in layers. He also instructed me to wear flat shoes, not heels, for the surprise outing, so I have a pair of sneakers on.

“I’ll pick you up in two hours, but if you need anything sooner, don’t hesitate to call.”

“Okay.” I turn around to the backseat. “You’re okay with hanging out with Uncle Raiden this morning?” If for a second she’s nervous or scared of being without me, there’s no fucking way I’m setting foot outside of this truck.

“Ice cream!” Penny announces and nods her head so hard that her high ponytail flops over her face. She laughs, brushing it back.

“And books,” Raiden reminds me.

“Just a baby cone,” I admonish.

He holds up his hands. “Certainly. Never thought about anything more.” He clearly did, but doesn’t he remember how I used to get such belly aches after eating too much candy or going for ice cream trips with him and Gray?

A pang shoots through me, but I shove the memories away. “You also call me if you need me. I’ll have my phone on and with me at all times.” I get out and open the back door to lean in and kiss Penny on the cheek. “Have fun, sweetheart.”

“You too, Mommy.”

Penny’s sweetness never fails to do me in. “I’ll try.” I’m not sure what good gun training will do if I never have one around. Going straight to the self-defense would have been more appropriate.

“Oh, you will,” Raiden says darkly. He grins like he knows something I don’t, but then he confesses. “There are fire targets. Those are always a literal blast.”

“You’re such a dork, big brother.”

He nods. “Yup. You love it.”

“I do. Always.” Other siblings might not be so close, but we will be,forever, bar nothing.

I stand and wave them out of the parking lot. I trust Raiden with Penny. I trusted a bunch of bikers and their kids with her the other day, even if I kept as much of an eye on her as possible in all the craziness. I should have been worried about her, but I wasn’t. I felt extra safe with all those big, burly, protective men around. They might have led and might still lead lives of violence, but I knew that as Raiden’s sister, they’d do anything for me—even if they know nothing about me and Gray.

I swallow back the painful inevitability that is waiting for us in the next few months and push thoughts about the hard decisions I’m going to have to make to the back of my mind. I had a good job in Ohio. A great one that gave me leave, no questions asked, when I needed it most. I’ll have to find workhere. Arrange some place to live. Rebuild my life again. Figure out how to co-parent. Pick up the mess when my brother finds out I slept with his best friend and had a kid.

I face the front entrance, my throat raw. I don’t seriously want to learn how to shoot, but if Raiden thinks it’s important, I’ll humor him. Gray might have arranged this, but it’s only my brother’s opinion that matters.

If I was a better liar than I am, I might even half believe that.