“Then leave the window open when you want me to return. Some night soon, I will.” Prince rises to his feet as I smile sleepily into my pillow. “Sleep tight, Beauty. Sweet dreams.”
For the first time in weeks, I don’t even remember closing my eyes.
“Good morning!”I sail past my bleary-eyed friends with a smile, grabbing a coffee mug and lifting the pot to see how much is left. “You guys actually left some for me? Happy Sunday to all!”
I turn away to grab the creamer, grinning to myself at the stunned silence. Even as I wrap my hands around the finished mug and lean against the counter, they’restillstaring.
Robby is the first to pull himself together. “Uh… in fairness, you aren’t usually awake until after lunchtime.”
“Arguably, not even then,” Jeff adds, and they all nod in agreement.
“What can I say? I’m a new, improved Briar. Call me Briar 2.0,” I wink.
“Okaaay, Briar 2.0,” Robby says, raising his eyebrows and looking around at our other roommates, each of whom shrugs in turn.
“I just…” Kurt’s sitting at the dining table, holding a spoonful of Cheerios midair as the milk slowly drips back into the bowl. “What…?”
“Careful,” I point. “You’re about to get a little something on your shirt. Speaking of which, how was last night?”
Everyone cracks up. I set my coffee mug down on the table, fetching my textbooks from the living room. I’m so not walking right today, but nobody seems to be noticing. They’re just regaling me like usual with all the stories from the club.
Nobody’s ever in charge of said stories, so I let the rapid-fire excited chatter wash over me.
“—Robby found these two bears?—”
“—there was this guy wearing a mask like that guy from Princess Bride?—”
“—waiting for him in the dark room?—”
“—a weekend retreat to become, and I quote, multiorgasmic?—”
“Huh, wow,” I mumble automatically whenever the moment seems right. To be honest, I’m not really following the thread of any of their stories. I’m pretty distracted by the pleasurable ache between my legs as I slowly sit down at the table.
I’ve got good reason to wince a little. Thinking about that reason—and the man who wields it—makes itsohard not to grin like the cat who got the cream.
Or the Sleeping Beauty who got his Prince Charming.
“Hold on,” Robby shushes the rest of them. “Hey, Briar.”
Shit. My heart skips a beat as I glance up over my books, trying not to look too guilty. Did they notice me walking funny? Do I look less innocent than I used to be? Am I emanating the radiant, relaxed, well-rested glow of a freshly-fucked boy?
Robby frowns. “You don’t feel like you’re missing out on anything, do you? You know you can come whenever you want, right?”
“Huh?” I blink at him. They’re definitely not supposed to know about Prince Charming’s rules…
“Your birthday, man. I don’t knowanyonewho didn’t go out and get trashed on their twenty-first.”
Theo nods earnestly. “We felt really bad ditching you to go to the club. We almost came back to check on you.”
I could almost laugh in their faces with relief, but the real concern they’re showing is too touching. My laugh fades into a smile.
“No,” I promise them all sincerely. “I had a great night, and I got about twice as much beauty sleep as all of you combined.” I scan all of my friends’ faces, and then I smirk and toss my head as I add, “Obviously.”