Page 45 of Beauty Sleep

“Beauty,” I gasp roughly. “I’m gonna?—”

“Cum in me,” Beauty whimpers. “Make me yours. Please please please make me—ohhh fuuuck…!”

Together, we tumble over the edge into the blackness, until I don’t know where his pleasure ends and mine begins. Our bodies are entwined too tightly to possibly tell, and I don’t think it matters, anyway.

His pleasureismine… today, and every day from now on.

All I can think about is my Beauty. His taste on my lips, his body wrapped around mine, his scent, the feeling of his skin—everything is Beauty, and everything is more beautiful than I could have imagined.

“Fuck,” I breathe out hoarsely as I finally collapse next to him. My head is spinning, and sweat is dripping down my forehead, but I can’t stand to be apart from his body heat. I pull him in as tightly as I can, holding him until I come to my senses enough to clean him up.

All I’ve got nearby is tissues, but I don’t want to stop touching him for long enough to get a cloth. Not yet, anyway. Not tonight.

“S’that good?” Beauty murmurs as I settle on my side next to him, pulling him into my chest once more.


“This. It’s good…?”

I think that’s a question and not a statement.“For me?”

Beauty giggles. “No. For the other prince who fucked me into next week. Yes, you.”

I can’t help a laugh. I didn’t think he even had words left in him, let alone this much sass, but my Beauty just keeps onsurprising me. “Better than good. It’s what I’ve been fighting for… waiting for… all this time.”

“To know and be known.”

Was that Beauty murmuring in my ear, or my own thoughts? No, it was him. He’s peeking at me through his lashes with a contented little smile on his lips.

“Yeah,” I whisper, my throat suddenly tight and my voice thick. “To know and be known.”

“Come here,” Beauty murmurs, and I blink at him.

“I am—” I cut myself off and yelp as Beauty wraps every one of his limbs around me and holds on tight. “Okay, I wasn’tthatclose.”

“I want you this close,” Beauty murmurs, his face pressed tightly against my chest—and I swear my heart melts into a puddle, right there in my chest.

He’s so shy about what he wants, but he’s always wanted me. Even from the first moment we met.

It takes a little wriggling before I can get my hand over to the light switch and turn out the lights for us both. But it’s worth the work, because having Beauty need me so much makes me… well, I have to clear my throat a few times to stop the wetness in the corners of my eyes.

Outside my bedroom window, dawn is breaking.

“I guess you’ve made an honest Prince out of me,” I breathe out.


“It takes a real beauty to turn a wicked fairy into a handsome prince,” I murmur, tugging the covers up around both of us.

“Mmm.” Beauty shifts a little bit, sticking his nose into my collarbone. “You’re going to have to stop that.”

It still takes me aback, the way he’s already learning to tell me what he wants. “Stop… what?”

“Repeating the stories they tell you.” Beauty yawns. “Sure, you’re a fairy. But you aren’t a wicked one. You’re just afraid to let people see all the magic you’ve got. All the love you give people. On the dance floor and in my bedroom… and everywhere, I bet.”

God. I really don’t get to hide behind a mask with this one. “Yeah,” I breathe out at last. “I guess I am.”

“I saw it tonight. You took off the mask with me, and then you were fucking radiant.” Beauty yawns again, rubbing his cheek against my chest as I stroke my hand gently through his soft curls. “I’m not the only beauty in the room, Daddy.”