Page 11 of Beauty Sleep

“Mmmph,” I moan, squirming onto my back and hastily stripping my clothes off to sprawl naked on the bed. My cock is midair, throbbing hard. Pleasurable little shivers run down my spine every time it brushes against my stomach.

“Fuck,” I sigh raggedly. “Not yet. But later.”

And then I let go, tugging the sheet over me as I roll onto my front again, shoving both hands firmly under my pillow. It feels good, nestling up against the mattress, but I’m not going to hump or grind.

I’m going to wait, because I have something better to look forward to.

“How the hellamI gonna sleep, though?”

Fuck it, I’ll just lie still and pretend if I have to. The important part is that I’ve left my window wide open. Everything I’ve ever wanted is on its way, and there’s nothing I can do but wait.

I really hope my prince will finally come… and that I will, too.




I can’t believeI’m actually doing this.

A night on the decks always leaves me exhausted, but brimming with the desire to deliver on the promises I’ve been weaving around my audience like a sensual spell. And tonight, I know exactly where to go next.

I didn’t hang around after my set. I barely even stopped to say goodbye to anyone before I headed straight here.

I’m leaning against the gatepost, pretending to fidget with my phone as I watch the curtains flutter across Beauty’s window.

It’s wide open… just like he promised.

That’s a relief. I knew I was taking a risk by telling such a skittish boy that I’d come back later. I’ve spent the last few hours hoping that Beauty wouldn’t chicken out at the last minute.

Once the coast is clear, I pocket my phone and step over the little wall into the front yard. The chair has been carefully moved aside, like he wants to make sure I won’t trip over it.

My excitement is almost impossible to contain. Whether he knows it or not, Beauty has offered me the most precious gift: his deepest desires.

I want to treasure them—and him.

Slowly, I bend down and duck through the open window, stepping softly onto the hardwood floor. My eyes have adjusted to the gloom of the lamp-lit street, but the room’s even darker. But I can sure as hell hear Beauty’s breathing. It’s so loud and ragged with excitement.

I knew he’d be awake.

The poor boy must have spent hours lying awake, tossing and turning, desperate for my touch and lost in his deepest fantasies.

I blink several times as shapes slowly begin to form in my vision. I can just about make out the edge of a dresser or a chest of drawers. From the sound of breathing, I think the bed is straight ahead of me… but I’m not in a rush.

With every passing moment, it’s harder for Beauty not to squirm with excitement. And I’m happy to torment him for a little while longer. Once I take those final few steps, it’ll make it even better for us both.

I wish I was that young and vulnerable again… so willing to show my desire to the world, never even thinking it could get me hurt. But when the world laughed at me, I shut down and shut them out. Until my first DJ gig last year, I watched from a distance as everyone else revelled in the magic I wanted to make.

I threw myself into my work as a security guard instead. But that job suited me, because I’ve always been a Daddy—a protector at heart. And I don’t want to bubblewrap this boy and try to stop him from playing with the deepest sparks of fire in his soul.

This boy wants the beast to sneak in through his window, but I know what he really needs: the prince. And tonight, I’m going to give him both.

There—I can see the bed clearly, and Beauty’s silhouette sprawled across it. He’s lying perfectly still, face down and ass up, arms under the pillow. And he’s totally naked.

This is the hottest thing I’ve ever done.

I cross the hardwood floor to sit on the edge of the bed, grinning as Beauty tries not to squeak with excitement. He’s so bad at pretending. It’s so fucking cute… but this isn’t the moment to get all warm and soft.