I don’t say anything, and neither do they for a few moments. We just stand here, listening to the birds in the trees and smelling the ocean, looking at the dappled light streaming through the thick branches… making the most of this moment together.
Then Carter stretches and groans. “Okay. Listen, I gotta take off so I don’t miss the ferry. I’m heading over for a meeting. I’ll catch you guys soon though, yeah?”
“Me too.” Murph raises a finger to salute me and Alph. “Break’s over.”
I’m still smiling to myself as I turn to look at Alph, and then the orchard.
“I’m glad you think it’s gonna work, though,” I say at last. “My family thinks it’s not gonna work. Even I have my moments wondering what the hell I’ve done.”
Alph snorts and claps my shoulder again. “We’ll rally behind you—all of us. This ain’t Vancouver, man. You have a whole bunch of neighbours now. People who care.”
I nod slowly, because of course I can’t help but think of Kieran. “Yeah. Yeah, they do. So, speaking of… Kieran?” Alph’s grin tells me he knows who I mean. “What’s his deal?”
Alph pauses and looks at me knowingly.
Waytoo knowingly.
I thought I was being real casual with that question. But the longer he looks at me, the more flustered I start feeling.
Finally, Alph hums and nods. “I think he’s been waiting a long time for his Prince Charming.”
He is?!I bite my lip, trying to play it cool, but I’m pretty sure the excitement is all over my face. “I mean… I don’t even have a wheelbarrow, much less a horse.”
Alph laughs. “No wonder it took you so long to return to our little realm.” Then he leans down and grabs a stick to brandish at me. “Right, Sir Gage?”
Despite my sheepish groan, I have to laugh. I know exactly what he’s talking about: my favourite game growing up.
Knights and Dragons.
“Man, we rescued so many maidens that summer.”
Alph winks. “And sweet, helpless princes. I seem to remember we were equal-opportunity rescuers.”
He’s right. The details that mattered back then were different. We were mostly interested in perfecting our dragon roars, running for cover in the orchard, and laughing until our sides hurt.
I had no idea that one day, I’d be a lot more interested in the story of the guy who was waiting in that tower.
Years later, I can still instantly place the feeling of a stick jabbing me in the ribs. And I know the only honourable way to respond. I throw myself onto the grass and roll out of range, grabbing the first stick I see.
“Unchivalrous knave! Stand and pay for your insult!”
I launch myself to my feet, clattering my stick against his. We’re both out of breath and laughing already, but I manage to retaliate, poking my stick right into his stomach before he dashes behind the nearest tree for cover.
Then the sheepishness returns, and I glance furtively at the beach and the road.
Phew. Nobody’s watching.
If anyone else sees this… I don’t think they’ll take me very seriously as the new owner of Sunrise Cider.
But Alph isn’t finished.
“Pfff. If you wanna rescue our wandering prince, you’ll have to fight tougher dragons than me, Sir Gage.”
“Hey.” My cheeks burn. I glare at Alph, and I actually halfway mean it.
He just grins smugly, waggling the stick as he taunts me. “Or have you forgotten how to stand and fight for your honour?”