“Pan pan.” I squint at it, trying to figure out what I just heard, but I don’t dare ask. Alph’s jaw is suddenly, and Kieran is dead silent. “MV Sunbeam has lost three persons overboard. I repeat: three persons overboard.”
I clap a hand over my mouth. “It’s them,” I hiss. “It has to be!”
The Coast Guard is on the line all of a sudden. I can barely follow the back-and-forth, but Alph mutters explanations.“They’re refusing the ferry’s assistance. Berty’s coming back here.”
I scramble to the window, only half-listening to Alph’s explanations as I watch the ferry looming closer. Above all else, there’s only one thing I care about.
Are my suitcases still on board?
Alph grunts and slaps the radio down. “They’re out of the water. Sounds like they swam to the dock.”
But the ferry is close, so I yank the door open—and then I stumble to a halt.
A small crowd has already formed by the ferry slip. Some clutch coffees as they murmur furiously with each other, pointing at the incoming boat.
“What’s going on?” someone asks Alph. “Why’s it coming all the way back?”
Instantly, he’s cool and calm. “There’s stolen goods aboard that ferry, and the owner would like them back.”
“Do you mean those three kids?” gasps one of the restaurant patrons.
“And the suitcases? I saw them!” says someone who just came down the ramp from the coffee shop.
“I gave them directions!”
One of the white-haired ladies from the committee snorts and folds her arms. “I gave them a ride!” She looks furious. “They werestealingfrom you?” I nod jerkily. “Well, I’m going to kick those suitcases right up their?—”
“They jumped off the ferry,” Kieran calls out, beaming as he joins us. “Crawled out onto the dock like drowned rats, rather than face the music. Bunch of cowards.”
“You can’t rescue someone who doesn’t want to be rescued,” Alph says softly, walking down the ferry slip as the ferry shuts off its engines and drifts up close. Berty tosses him a rope, and he swiftly loops it around the closest cleat.
But my eyes are fixed on the luggage area, where I can see two bright flashes of yellow.
A cheer rises among the onlookers.
Oh, my god.
My knees almost give way with relief as I wobble, grabbing the post at the corner of the dock to keep myself upright.
Berty stands at the step inside the ferry and offers me a hand. “Hop aboard, you two,” he says. “Let’s get this ferry on the move.”
My gut wrenches as I look up at Alph.
He gazes down at me solemnly, a muscle twitching in his jaw. There’s a pained look in his eyes, but he seems to expect it already.
My stuff might be here, but I can’t pretend nothing happened.
This was very nearly the biggest disaster of my life. And we both know who’s responsible for it.
Now that I’m not scared, I’m just pissed.
“You may as well stay here. They won’t let you in until showtime,” I tell Alph, my shoulders tight as I stare up at him.
I want him to fight. I want him to tell me that hewantsto come with me, even if he can’t.
Alph sighs, closes his eyes, and bows his head to kiss the top of my head. “Tell me if you need anything,” he says.